Penelope watched as Aaron slipped away, and while she couldn't see what he was picking at exactly, she assumed he probably had been burned earlier like she thought. She wanted to feel bad for him and maybe even help when he jerked back around suddenly, as if he was eager to play this sick little game. What the hell was wrong with these people? It was a question for another day. Instead she sat motionless, waiting for her name to be called. This man was obviously insane, and if there was one thing she was not going to do, it was argue with a psycho. She'd take her book and leave without a word. And as soon as she was away from these lunatics she'd get her things from her room and get the hell out of here. If there was ever a time to curse her last name it was now. "Whitewoode" would more than likly mean she'd be getting hers last she guessed. [i]I mean really, all this chaos for an asinine little game and he chooses now, to use order. And aphabetical of all things.. [/i]