Name: Vanion Fowler Age: Appears mid-thirtes. Gender: Male Personality: He's a bit of a stoic, not showing much in the way of emotion except for the rare occasion when he is greatly amused by something. He's polite and generally good-natured, but he doesn't really say much and tends to avoid people. He will not turn you away if you try to speak to him however, and doesn't mind conversing with one or two people, but he prefers the quiet and isn't terribly fond of crowds. In other words, he mosly keeps to himself. Description: He's of avarage hight and slim, he doesn't get much sun and he seems to constantly be tired. His hair is cut neatly and short, and is a light brown in color. He has a sort of ill look about him, almost sickly, or weak, but he has sharp eyes, which have a dark brown in color. Currently, he wears a grey pinstripe suit and matching fedora. If one were to look closely, they might see the beginning of a scar on the right side of his neck, but it is mostly hidden by his collar. Other: This is a character I made specifically for topics like this one, and while not the most imaginitive character, he has an extensive background which others may try to get him to reveal, which is good for practicing interaction.