Lance was a bit put off by Marcus. If the guy didn't want to be part of a group then there was no point in inviting him. People like Marcus deserved to be alone if they were just going to be mean to others. Though most likely the poor guy would eventually die anyways due to him being a long range fighter. Probably end up getting killed by a bug bear or something too. [@LetMeDoStuff] Rosa jumped back away from a mosquito as it lunged at her. She wasn't quite fast enough though and it hit her arm. Rosa slid back holding her arm. "Right then, let's try this out." Rosa said as she held her bat out infront of her and closed her eyes. A red aura could be seen emanating from her. She opened her eyes which were now glowing a deep red. "BERSERKER MODE!" Rosa screamed out. She gave a toothy twisted smile at a mosquito. She was vulnerable in the way of defense but that wouldn't stop her, she would keep fighting until she couldn't move anymore. Rosa rushed at the mosquito her grin getting bigger as she smashed it's head in. She could do a lot of damage, with her attacks now, though this was dangerous. Another moquito came at Rosa from behind stabbing her leg. This was where something strange happened, instead of feeling pain she felt pleasure. "Oh that feels so good." Rosa said with her twisted smile before looking over at the mosquito. She smashed it's body to the side making it release it's hold on her leg. She then followed it attacking it's body next, then it's head again smashing it in. "Ohhhh this feeling is awesome." Rosa said as she looked down at her leg as it bled. "Who's next!?!?" Rosa yelled looking around for more mosquitoes, but finding none, she was still in berserker mode which would stop soon but for now she was feeling pain as pleasure. Lance just watched as his friend was going crazy with her new form. "That is scary, and I am not going to approach her like this." Lance said as he finished off his last mosquito. This was a side of Rosa he had never seen before and it was frightening. Before long Rosa still felt the blood thirst, she couldn't hold it in anymore and ran at what seemed to be a boy with a dragon. She saw the dragon as another enemy to fight. "Fight me!" Rosa yelled as she rushed at the creature breathing heavily. She wanted to feel more of this pleasure, she was rewarded even more with pleasure when she killed an enemy. [@Leslie Hall]