[b]Name[/b]: Aeriannah “Aerii” Galanis [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Race[/b]: Half Raven-Shifter, Half Witch [b]Description[/b]: [hider=Click Me!][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/d1/78/4ed178a9e7e3d3b4a3716c46d1a1756c.jpg[/img][/hider] Roughly 4 foot 10 inches in height and roughly 100 pounds. Aerii is slender but has a rather womanly figure. Pale skin, she has raven wing tattoos that cover her entire back, but no one ever sees them. Her blue eyes sparkle with intelligence and her blue black hair reaches roughly to about her hips when kept down. She can also shift into a Raven and have the Demi-form consisting of just large black wings. [b]Grade[/b]: College Freshman [b]Magic School[/b]: Healing [b]Personality[/b]: Very sarcastic to the point that it’s irritating but very kind. She’d willingly help anyone and once she’s your friend is loyal to almost a fault, bubbly and naturally flirty. She smiles often and sometimes makes inappropriate jokes when things get too tense for her liking She likes to have fun, but that doesn’t get in the way of her studies. [b]Bio[/b]: Her family can trace it’s bloodlines all the way back to the Salem Witch trials and is very wealthy, but are a humble coven. Anyone who isn’t close with the Galanis family would never know Aerii was born with a silver spoon in her mouth (that she promptly spat out). She has great potential as a healer and that’s where her studies lie. She has a gentle heart and soul encompassed by fire and passion. She’s always doing something to keep herself occupied. She isn’t new to Witchcraft in general, but she is to Healing magics. To aid her studies in healing she also takes Botany.