[quote=@TheUltimatum] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/28/b0/d9/28b0d950a746bca4753848998248aa37.jpg[/img] [b][i]"Life is a game you have to keep playing, You can never be good at it."[/i][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Apollo [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Favored Weapon Type:[/b] Sword [b]Unique Weapon:[/b] Ascalon [b]Skills:[/b] [color=004b80]Single Bladed Fury[/color] What this skill does is that it teleports the user behind the opponent, and then using the User's Unique Blade, Slashes at the back of the opponent and finishes the attack using a sword spin. DMG: 25-10% cool down: 3-2 Posts. 2nd Skill (He gains this one later on) [color=004b80]Gabriel's Sword: Ascalon[/color] This is a passive/charge skill. What it does is, When the user summons Ascalon (The Unique Sword my character will be using.) The sword begins to charge up, so the user must not get hit by any enemy attacks or the sword will stop charging and it will not activate the skill thus lowering the stats of the user. Once the sword is fully charged, the user releases that power, allowing him to be stronger for a limited amount of time. Ex: 5-10 mins. During this time all of his stats are raised by 50%. (This is one of the last skills he gains.) 3rd Skill: [color=004b80]Heavenly Angel's Fury[/color] (Must be used in conjecture with Gabriel's Sword: Ascalon skill.) This is the last skill the user gains. Once he summons Ascalon and Activates the skill Gabriel's Sword: Ascalon and releases the charged power, The user dashes towards the opponent and begins to slash him from all directions using Ascalon. Once he has finishes slashing at the opponent, he ends the move by Slashing downward in an X, which creates a small explosion which releases all of the leftover charged power at once. After using this skill, the user is left weakend not able to move at all. [/quote] That picture...... o_o