[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10891677_775949332492130_2453440560305751525_n.jpg?oh=22f1133daa54baf7e460f319a76c71da&oe=56A758ED&__gda__=1451780700_7f7068bad35189204051be4dce860c52[/img] Name: Wont tell you, many call her "Pale beauty" or "Dark haired beauty" Age: 20 before suicide. Race: Human ghost Bio: What just a few know about her is that she was a famous singer who debuted at the age of 16, unfortunally her carrer meet it's end when she got into an accident at the age of 19 in which she lost her voice. She fell into a terrible depression for year until she took the last decicion in her life, cut her wrists. Somehow her soul ended up in this tavern working as an assistant for Hans, who is the only one who knows her name Skills: -She has shown to be a great cook and a real professional when it comes to making cocktails. -Being a ghost has only given her one ability: she doesn't need to sleep Other Info: -She can be heard singing whenever she think she is alone. -Wont answer to anyone who asks her nameso those (NPC'S) who often visit the tavern try to find out her name. -Although a ghost she is as solid as any person, so don't get surprised if she slaps you