Name: Valence "Val" DaVinic Age: 16 Race: Half-Elf Description: Val is on the shorter side as his father was a wood elf, so he stands tall at 5'5". He has an athletic physique akin to that of a runner. He has straight light brown hair that goes down to his shoulders. His eyes are azure. He has a fair share of scars in various spots on his body, all of which he's proud to brag about. His skin is a fair tan from spending much of his life outdoors. Grade: High School Junior Magic School: Protection Magic Personality: Val is a chipper young man that doesn't let anything get him down. He believes with all of his heart that magic is a good thing in spite of the stigma that it brings. He is adventurous and easily excitable. He truly wishes to be a hero of justice. He is friendly and social. He always is looking for a way to help. He knows no fear and will not back down against opposition. Bio: Born in a small village called Riverforde, Val grew up on tales spun by his grandfather about adventurers that fought and defeated evil with magical powers. These tales were not something his mother supported and father spent enough time working that he was unaware. These tales spurred Val on into his own ventures into the forest as he played by himself pretending to be one of the heroes he heard about so often. He always felt alienated from the other children which were raised to fear magic and would often get into fights with them, coming home with new bruises and cuts on a regular basis. He grew resilient to such beatings, and never let the beatings get him down. One day he was out adventuring when the bullies ambushed him while he was climbing a tree. The branch he was climbing snapped and he fell. As his adrenaline rose during his fall, he felt a burst of energy and when he hit the ground he felt no pain and came to no harm. The other kids saw this and ran. Val confusedly tried to conjure this ability again, but couldn't figure any of it out. He finally decided to take a break and return home for dinner. Everything was fine, until the next morning when some official looking people came to take Val away and brought him to learn how to use his power.