[quote=@Archangel89] [img] http://orig02.deviantart.net/09e2/f/2013/338/7/4/wookie_warrior_shortatha_by_eljore-d6wqn9s.jpg [/img] [b]Name:[/b] Shoraddik [b]Age:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] Wookiee [b]Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] Core Abilites [*] Force Perception [*] Mind Trick [*] Force Stun [/list] [b]Non-Force Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] Form VI-Niman, Jar'Kai duelwielding [*] Capable Diplomat [*] Relativly Good Cook (For both wookiee and non-wookiees) [*] Has knowledge of unarmed combat as well as blaster combat [*] Wookiee strength and stamina [/list] [b]Personality/Motivation:[/b] Shoraddik first joined the Jedi order in the hopes to continue to foster peace between Kashyyk, part of a long time dream of his to have Kashyyk become the center of the democratic peace in the known universe. As with most of his species Shoraddik tends to keep himself a calm and peaceful believing that true power comes from knowledge to the force in lieu of physical prowess. Shoraddik dispises some of the misguided views that others hold about wookiees and through his actions and his deeds tires his hardest to show that wookiees are not always brutes but can be resonable and often times the reasonable voice in the crowd. [b]Biography:[/b] [b][i]Initiate[/i][/b] Shoraddik was born on Kashyyk during the year 69 BBY, although he can't remember either his mother or father he does remember a fairly standard childhood. From an early age he Shor seemed to have an unnatural perception of the world around him, almost to the point that he predicted events that were to happen among the tribe to the point where his clan chieftan believed that he was to be a mystic. Even before he reached the age to take his trials into manhood the clan noticed that he was faster, more agile than others that had come before him. It wasn't until that one of his other clansmen remembered another that showed similar signs and told the cheif that they should call him. It was on that day that Shoraddik met Jedi Master Tyvokka. After it was confirmed that he was indeed force sensitive, Tyvokka conscripted the newfound man and the two traversed the galaxy to the Jedi Temple to begin Shoraddik's training. Shor found great peace in meditation quickly learning to hone his innate traits learning to push the bounderies of his perception to limits that he previously thought unimaginable. It was soon discovered that Shor was a natural in using the Force quickly adapting to the core abilites, particularly his speed and telekenisis, Master Tyvokka realized the great potential that his new conscript showed to become a great Jedi. Once he came of age Master Tyvokka took him under his wing to be his padawan. [b][i]Padawan[/i][/b] Under the tuetalage Master Tyvokka, Shoraddik became a fast learner in the ways of Force Perception soaking up all of the things that his Master could teach. To Shoraddik if he could predict the future he could bring peace to the galaxy, what he believed to be the ultimate goal of the Jedi. Tyvokka trained Shor in all the ways of the Force and as Shor's training in Force Perception he found that he was able to manipulate the mind of others to a certain extent. Tyvokka told him that he had learned the art of the Jedi Mind Trick. A powerful tool but it should be used if normal diplomatic procedures should fail, warned Tyvokka, Shor learned first hand that it must only be used as a last resort. Because of his lack of true combat prowess and the fact that he despised actually fighting, Shor researched and meditated on a way that he could defend himself and not have to draw his lightsaber. One day while training with another padawan Shor was about to lose the bout when other padawan ceased his attack and stood frozen in place. It was then that Shor realized that he could forceably stun a foe by manipulating the Force within them. Although his prowess with the force was impressive Shor found it difficult to wield a lightsaber effectivlly in combat, to the end that Tyvokka began teaching him the Diplomat's Form to give him some sort of advantage in combat. As his training progressed the talk of war within the Outer Rim due to a shortage of bacta began forcing the Jedi Council into action, and it was Master Tyvokka who answered the call to work as a diplomat in what was to be called the Stark Hyperspace War. [b][i]44 BBY- Stark Hyperspace War[/i][/b] At the age of fourteen Shor got his first taste of real political work following Master Tyvokka as ambassador in the negociations that would soon become known as the Stark Hyperspace War. During the initial negociations Tyvokka's instincts told him the story about the short supply of bacta was false and that Iaco Stark was witholding the real information was something far more devious. His intuition was right when shots were fired and the Trade Federation's new prototype droid was tested and proven to be a success. Master Tyvokka was wounded in the trade off and Shoraddik did his best to lead but spent most of is time trying to save his master, to no avail. As Tyvokka lay dying the others looked to him to lead something that Shor was not used to but dispite his lack of leadership potential Shor lead the rest of the diplomatic team until Master Qui-Gon-Jin arrived and learned of what happened. On the spot Master Jin realized Shor's great skill and potential and the two, along with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon and the rest of the team gathered enough troops to fight back against the Stark Combine. Shor was present for all five battles which resulted in the Republic's victory eventually. What wasn't known was Shor's involvement in bringing Iaco Stark into the Republic's fold and the eventual surrender of the Combine. Due to the diplomatic training he recieved through his training with his former Master, Shor was instrimental in turning the tide both diplomatically and militarlly. [b][i]Knighthood: Becoming a Consular[/i][/b] After his stint in combat Shor vowed that he would never again draw his lightsaber for combat again. Once the now Master Plo Koon offically knighted him Shor dedicatied his life to the diplomatic pursuits of the Jedi Consular. Dedicating his life for the next twenty-five years to the study of galatic history, diplomatic relations, as well as his normal training all in the hopes that he would never have to resort to violence ever again. During his leave as diplomat Shor worked with the Galactic Senate as well as settling numerous disputes along the Outer Rim. While out on these diplomatic missions rumours of an attack on his home world as tensions between the Republic and Federation grew even more tense. While he was sworn to a life of peace Shor's intuition kept bothering him more and more and it seemed that the more that he was around Supreme Chancilor Palpatine something never felt right. His concerns about the Chancilor were soon put to rest as news of a Wookiee chieftans dissapearance brought Shor's attention back home. [b][i]The Battle of Kashyyk[/i][/b] After hearing about the Trandoshian attack and capture of a major chieftan Shor immeaditly offered to go and attempt diplomatic communication believing that he would be the best possible person to open these lines. When the Trandoshian's would not respond to traditional means Shor feared that his work alone would prove fruitless so Shor called upon a friend of former Master an ithorian by the name of Wooror Taldura. The master's prowess in the diplomatic arts was legendary and Shor valued his opinion highly, both professionally and personally. With the arrival of the Delta Squad Commandos Shor knew that things were about to spiral into complete war if things didn't change soon and he hoped that Delta Squad's covert manuevers could end this before it began. Little did Shoraddik know that things were at an end in the Clone Wars, though not as he would expect. While Delta Squad did complete their mission, the Sepretist's droid army came in full assualt and with the arrival of Grand Master Yoda Shor knew that he would have to take on the role that he no longer wished to play. As if sensing his doubt and confusion Yoda sent Shor and Worror back to Courscant to wait at the temple. Shoraddik, saddened and almost angry about not staying to help his brothers and sisters, dutifully followed the orders of Master Yoda. [b]Secrets:[/b] [list] [*][b]The Stark Hyperspace War[/b]- While the battle is well known and the losses were inumerable, Shoraddik played a key role in the negociations that led to eventual defeat of the Stark Combine. What isn't known is the deep seeded anger and sadness felt when Shoraddik lost his master in sensless fighting. With great meditation and even greater restraint Shor was able to repress these feelings but the anger still dwells within him and he fears that he may yet one day give in to the temptation of the Dark Side because of it. [*][b]The Clone Wars-Battle of Kashyyk[/b]- Having only recently returned to the Temple after leaving the battlefield that would be Kashyyk, Shor believes that it was his place to fight alongside his brothers and sisters to defend his homeland. Upon Master Yoda's instructions he left but once again his sense of self impeaded upon his greater duties as a Jedi. With this wound still fresh in his mind, he has begun to question if he should have disobeyed Yoda's request and fought with his people. [/list] [b]Relations:[/b] [/quote] So tell me what you guys think...still working on editing