That's when Nobuo stopped ranting. Right around the part where Twilight mentioned that she had a Sentai team too, one that takes on giant monsters [i]without[/i] mechas [i]and[/i] she was offering a room. Nobuo went wide-eyed and began to fret. He pulled out his [url=]Z-Cune Aoi[/url] figurine. "[i]The thing that spawned from the internet has a Sentai!? She's the closest thing I have to a Sentai right now! And now she's offering me a room! Aoi-chan, what must I do?[/i]" Nobuo thought and looked at the doll. He imagined her voice coming from it. "[i]Nobuo-kun, your comrades might think you've jump ship if you join her. Besides, I myself worry that your heart might waver.[/i]" Aoi said. "[i]No, my dear Aoi-chan! My heart belongs to you and only you! I just need to learn from her while this... whatever the hell these challenges are... goes on. By the time I get back, maybe I'll learn a few things from her![/i]" Nobuo thought. "[i]I don't know. I don't feel like she's right for you.[/i]" "[i]Nonsense! I'll accept her offer gracefully. Worry not, my fair Aoi-chan. I'll love you, always.[/i]" "[i]Oh, Nobuo-kun!![/i]" And with that, Nobuo pecks his Aoi-chan figurine and turns to Twilight. "So, you said you were offering a room?" He asked her, unaware that he had just kissed the figurine in front of not just her, but Wreck-Gar and some of the others. [@Shoryu] [@Sir Screwloose] Nobuo simply squees at Wreck-Gar's statement. Ignoring the chaos that was ensuing between Jax and Krieg, he began to fantasize about forming his own mini-Sentai with him, Wreck-Gar, and Twilight. What would he even call it? He pondered.