Rather than making a new post to respond to Wreck-Gar, I edited my post. Speaking of, I've decided on a Second character if it's allowed. [hider=The Second Character] *Name: Depends on what you ask. His true name is 072, but the name of the person he based himself off of is named Kyu Saijou, though that's a Pseudonym for Kenta Imai. For short, just call him Kyu or 072. *Universe: Kamen Rider Drive *Appearance: [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kamenrider/images/1/14/Roidmude072Saijo.png/revision/latest?cb=20150823035622]The human guise he assumes[/url], [url=http://2new4.fjcdn.com/large/pictures/35/9d/359d7c_5618355.jpg]His true form[/url] *Personality: As 072's copy is an Otaku, 072 has pretty much the same tastes as him, loving the same animes, though in a preferred manner of viewing (subbed, for one). He's the least violent of all 108 of the Roidmudes, as he'll only lecture people when he transforms. He's also sort of demanding. At one point, he asked Kamen Rider Drive to do a cool, Sentai-style pose like his ally Kamen Rider Mach. *Powers/Skills: As per recruiting him for the challenges, 072 lacks his ability to create Slowdowns. Despite losing the one thing all Roidmudes are known for, he still keeps the other powers, such as his ability to disguise himself, in this case as Kyu, being able to fire energy attacks from his finger guns, being able to traverse through cyberspace in his Core mode, and an ability to fly. Along with the latter ability, he's able to jump preeeettty high. Even if his body is destroyed, his Core, literally a flying number, can still survive, but it's extremely fragile, as it can get destroyed by either a car running over it or a bullet blasting it. If the Core goes, 072 is dead forever. *Brief Bio: Roidmude 072 was one of the 108 Roidmudes that attacked humanity. Their attacks were staggered and their numbers decreased by the myth and legend they call "Kamen Rider". 072 was a very lucky Roidmude, as he managed to find one of his allies, a network researcher who moonlights as an otaku. However, after absorbing his memories and expressing his utmost desire to kill him once he copied his form, he accepted his last request of watching the final episode of his favorite show Murmur Mansion. By the end, 072 was moved by the show and adored it. The two shared a bond and he had assisted the Rider group for a brief moment. Then everything spiraled out of control when an idol was cast to voice the main character for a Japanese dub of Murmur Mansion. He snapped and entered Roidmude form, hoping to talk some sense into her before being stopped by the Kamen Rider... Well, Kamen Riders at this point, but another story for another day. Fearing that he was going to kill her, the Kamen Riders brought him into the cops for questioning where he reveals his story. It took a bit, but the main Kamen Rider, Shinnosuke, accepted him into the community and would value him to be a great ally... That's what would have happened had one of the exeutive Roidmudes not decided to kill him in a bid to cull the rowdy Roidmudes and create an ideal society. With his dying words, he begs Shinnosuke not to tell his copy, Kyu, what happened and instead tell him that he went crazy. With that, he died, his core exploding. And then the Viewer decided that he'd be a riot and added him to his challenges. *Equipment: None. Unless you count a commemorative plate from Murmur Mansion and a doll from the show as equipment. *Others: For miscellaneous info on your character. Not mandatory. [/hider]