Huh, that's a good point isn't it? Do our groups even 'have' capable healers at the moment? If this is a glaring lack in our crew, you can bet little Twilight will do her damndest to get ahold of some proper healing spells! possibly a spell book from one of the Viewer's games. She might've already had some, if it weren't for the strictly canon requirement, though common sense would've said she'd have to have some way to treat lesser injuries sustained when messing around with volatile magic or bursting into flames of her own accord, I suppose I figured not to chance it. Heh, or maybe Boss can call in the magical healing rations of 'Because Kojima said so!' XD ... never did get why those things 'healed', unless they were, like, nano-paste snack cakes... heh, reminds me of 'cyberpony cakes', full of energy and materials great for cyborg digestion, or beating your enemies head in like a deadly 50 pound Frisbee XD