[center][h2]Fallen's Apolocyptic Team of Super Zombo-killers[/h2][/center] [hider=Captain Johnathan "Freddy" Kreuger] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Johnathan Fredrick Kreuger[/i] [b]Alias/Codename/Callsign:[/b] [I]Freddy, Fred, Krueger, John, Johnny[/I] [b]Age:[/b][i]36[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] [i]Active United States Navy Seal [/i] [b]Nationality:[/b] [i]American[/i] [b]Appearance:[/b][hider][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EE4qrmrtckM/Tc7gxEBHqFI/AAAAAAAAAP0/0yDLMsfa26A/s1600/Lt._Michael_P._Murphy.jpg[/img][/hider] [i]This portrait was taken prior to his deployment to the Middle East. Now, since his return, has a fully grown beard that meets just past his neck with a shaved head. He stands at 6 feet, 6 inches and weighs an impressive 280lbs at about 11% body fat due to his training and time in the military. He wears his military combat pants, jacket and boots and t-shirt with "Navy" print in gold. He carries around his dogtags at all times and has a few tattoos running up his arm (among them a Navy Seal tattoo).[/i] [b]Place of Residence:[/b] [I]Springfield, PA[/i] [b]Strengths:[/b] [i]1: Due to his time in the military he is at a class four (Instructor) combat level rating and has background in Mauy Thai and Brazilian jiu-jitsu so he is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. He also is a expert marksmen with his weapon and very adaptable and creative to situations. Because of some of his missions, stealth was key so he has high stealth skills due to experience and training. He shows leadership qualities as well as the ability to process a high pressure situation in quick timing. Despite his smoking habits he has a high lung capacity and is capable of extending a fight longer than most.[/i] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] [i]Aside from his alpha type personality, he is stubborn when it comes to decision making. He has a tendency to be cynical and claims that he's just "Being real about the current situation at hand". Among these he also suffers from PTSD. He doesn't tolerate stupidity and will point out those flaws in people whether he is right or not, even though he believes he is. He is short tempered and can and will lash out violently towards whoever pissed him off but that anger will also transfer over to others in the wake. He also has a drinking problem and will not come to terms with it. Also a heavy smoker.[/i] [b]Belongings:[/b] [hider=Rucksack][img]http://www.airsoft-military-news.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/BACKPACK_FINAL1.jpg[/img] Contained in this bag are some survival essentials, 2 weeks worth of MREs, Flashlight with extra batteries, maps of the surrounding areas, compass, 3 boxes of ammunition with extra mags, rifle and pistol cleaning kit, first aid kit, 2 flares, parachute chord(100ft)wrapped up into small bundle, 1.5 liter camel pack, and a few other supplies including clothes and combat knife.[/hider] [hider=Tactical FN SCAR][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ODnhRNqesBE/UQEOzCRf7wI/AAAAAAAAbqA/dbs5NlvgZ3g/s1600/FN_SCAR_L_by_Drake_UK.jpg[/img] A few changes compared to the picture. A hybrid scope with IR sight capabilities, longer barrel with silencer, flashlight/ IR laser combo and foregrip/bipod combo.[/hider] [hider=Beretta M9][img]http://www.kygunco.com/prodimages/22465-DEFAULT-L.jpg[/img] nothing special[/hider] [hider=Gerber mark 3 knife][img]http://www.specialforces.com/image/data/SD/SGE37T.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Despite his abrasiveness and Alpha type personality, he is caring and willing to sacrifice himself to protect the team. He shows heavy leadership qualities but mostly are military based meaning that they are straightforward and to be taken without questioning. He is quick tempered to stupidity and arrogance and will quickly try to snuff those problems out. Quiet for the most part unless to correct someone. In pressured situations, he tends to get back into the mindset of war and will react almost instinctively in giving orders and becoming fully aware of his surroundings. When asked about his time overseas or at home he will become silent as he has a lot of dark secrets about his time overseas. When he is happy or in a good mood he will smile or grin but when angered He has a soft spot for some things but that will be shown in the IC.[/i] [b]Other:[/b] [I]He is a big fan of heavy metal and rap thanks to his brothers in arms. Speaks Arabic and French at an intermediate to advanced level.[/i] [/hider]