[color=mediumslateblue]"My lady?"[/color] Saina had asked when she noticed Eva walking towards her, she had placed a peach in her pocket and nodded to the priests who were escorting her. As she then said, [color=mediumslateblue]"Thank you for escorting the summoner. Please, I will take it from here."[/color] Eva turned to the priests and gave a small bow with the symbol of Yevon. It was awkward with how the world's views today on yevon but it felt just natural to her and she had worked on not doing it with Gippal and Urick, but it slipped out. She didn't mind though as the priests bowed and gave the symbol back. She jumped slightly when Saina grunted and placed a frigid hand on the small of her back, ushering her away from the main path. [color=mediumslateblue]"Eva, let's walk."[/color]. She nodded a few times and followed next to her. Saina had also clicked her tongue and Mercury appeared, standing behind them and cutting them off from the rest of the town, in a small secluded spot between the jungle and an building. She let out a small sigh as she ran a hand up the lilly and delicately touched the pedals with the tip of her forefinger, looking down at it and closing her eyes. [color=mediumslateblue]"Here... You must be hungry."[/color] Eva glanced up, her eyes wide at the thought of food. As if on cue her stomach let out a loud angry growl, her face reddened to almost that of a tomato, embarrassed at the sound. She took the peach that Saina had handed her and took a bite out of it greedily, yet at the same time looking shy as she did. She let out an tiny 'urk...' as the taste of the peach was...off. She hesitated for a minute as she looked down at the unripe fruit and then at Saina who seemed to be enjoying hers... She didn't want to say anything and be rude, and also she was at that point where her stomach didn't care what it was it wanted something! She quickly bit down and squeezed her eyes at the sourness of it and her body involuntarily shook slightly from the top down as it went berserk over the tang. She then felt Mercury nuzzle his beak against her back, just between her shoulders. She giggled slightly and turned to the massive bird and smiled at him while running her hand up his beak, inbetween his eyes and around the back of his head as she pulled him closer to touch her forehead with his. As she did this, Saina started giving a report on what had happened earlier, that had pulled Gippal away. She looked at Saina with a slight worry on her face. What happened that even Urick got into trouble? She never could imagine him getting into trouble into the first place. He was always so calm and gentle...normally, there were the few times while wrestling a ronso that he got a little bit too excited. She nodded, She thought about going in to help. She didn't know what she would say, she might have even gotten in Gippal's way if she did. She was with him once while he was in Bevelle asking for help from his father, he seemed so proper and polite...well, more than his usual self. Already a day into their journey and they were shipwrecked, she had freaked out and still a little on edge, and half of their group was in jail for something. Sighing and closing her eyes she sat down to rest, a little huff escaped her lips as she sat on a stone. [color=ed145b]"I...never thought that we would be going through so much trouble already..."[/color] She looked to the fruit in her hand, and realizing it was all gone, she didn't realize she ate the whole thing practically. She let her hands fall into her lap and sat for a moment thinking and looking to Saina as she did. Suddenly her mind grabbed at a random thought. It was that of Saina moving to stand next to Urick, just after they all came together again. And how she was glad to see that he was alright. Also before that as they stood on the docks before the boat together. She smiled and then asked,[color=ed145b][b] "What do you think of Urick?"[/b][/color] her body relaxing as she was pulled away from her normal thoughts of where she was and how it agitated her.