Strauss evaluated Yang cautiously, she didn't seem to be a threat and the swords didn't seem to be any sort of trap. Perhaps they did have some friends here, even if they didn't stay around for very long. By the time he had thought of more questions to ask Yang had already left, "[b]Thanks![/b]" he called out after the already vanished creature and turned to grab a sword from the chest. He picked it up and swung it experimentally somewhat surprised by the weight. He had always imagined swords being a little lighter; still after a few practice swings and decimated tree branches later he had gotten used to it. Not taking the time to grab a sheath as the group was already moving on Strauss quickly made his way onto the path, the last thing he wanted was to be here all alone. As they kept moving forward it got hotter and hotter, as the trees eventually disappeared he could see why. They were headed straight into a dessert, and given how the game had been so far there probably wasn't an oasis waiting for them. As they trudged through the blazing dessert, the shifting sands making even the simple task of walking more difficult: Strauss began sweating and wishing this sword wasn't so heavy. The sand was just about everywhere, he halfheartedly shook himself knowing that more sand would come on regardless. Just as he was about to propose that they turn back and look for some other more friendly path, the sand shook even more than usual nearly throwing him off his feet. Strauss regained his foot to realize they were surrounded by strange creatures, they had oddly vibrant faces and terrifying quills, normal porcupines were strange enough but this was ridicules. Strauss hefted his sword and waited for the creatures to strike, he assumed everything wanted to kill them until proven other wise. His thought proved correct as the Quinox quickly rushed forward as a group attacking from everywhere. Strauss focused on the one charging headlong at him and took a deep, steadying breath, before throwing himself forward and sliding underneath the beast as it lunged, sticking his sword up and disemboweling the beast, some of the gore landing on him. Holy. Shakily, but moving as quickly as he could, Strauss stood up and saw that the group was quickly losing. Though they were fighting as best they could they could barely match the creatures. Preston was on the sand, not moving at all. Strauss blindly ran forward to help, only seeing the another Quinox charging him at the last second and he raised his arm to shield himself. The Quinox's spined tail slammed into his arms sending hundreds of shafts of pain lancing through his air. Strauss howled in pain and struck the creatures tail off and while it screeched in a painful cry of its own he stabbed it through the head. Breathing heavily he saw that though they were whittling down the creatures, the stupid beasts were doing the same to them. Strauss hefted his bloody sword and moved to meet another one, using his sword like a spear and receiving the beasts charge with it as he let out a roar of anger. Finally for a brief second nothing was moving. Not the Quinox. Not his friends. His clothing was in disarray, covered in dirt and gore, his once vibrant red hair now a dull faded color. His one arm was covered in blood and still full of quills though most of them had broken off. Strauss was unsure of whether he should even try pulling them out, doubtless they were barbed and pulling them out would cause even more bleeding. He stared at the dead bodies of friend and foe alike sinking his sword into the ground and leaning on it. What kind of sick game forced people with no combat experience into a life or death situation? They had hardly gotten anywhere and they had already practically lost. How were they going to get out of here. Esmay's comment revived his attention, they had to try, and sitting here would do nothing. Shaking his head vigorously he stood up and simply said, "[b]Come on.[/b]" He couldn't muster the spirit to say anything else, so he grabbed his sword and one laying on the ground and kept moving forward, hoping they would find something or someone or anything to help them in this hopeless mockery of a quest.