[b]The Flatwoods Monster[/b] [img]http://www.ufoevidence.org/cases/pictures/FlatwoodsMonster.jpg[/img] An interdimensional aliens from parts unknown with the ability to rip holes in the fabric of space and time. He hovers into the tavern about once a week to buy refreshments for what he refers to as his "「LONG TRIP」." Naturally curious, he always comes bearing an offering of pinecones and rocks and the alien equivalent of pinecones and rocks to present to the tavern keeper in exchange for room and board, no matter how many times these are refused, before floating off to annoy the rest of the patrons. He is not lost. He definitely was not abandoned. He was most certainly not led off his homeworld, blindfolded, spun around three times, and sent off into the West Virginia wilderness as a prank. He is just taking the scenic rout home.