As she ate the fruit, she kept her head tilted toward Eva to show that she was listening. They came to a stop, Eva sitting on a stone located more or less directly behind the Youth League station. Saina turned to look at Eva with her brows slightly raised. [color=ed145b]"I...never thought that we would be going through so much trouble already..."[/color] As Eva murmured, Saina's brows slowly furrowed into a light scowl. Her tongue lashed out in her mouth, feeling the ridges of her teeth as she huffed. [color=mediumslateblue]"There's no 'we' about it..."[/color] Saina muttered half under her breath as she turned her irritated expression elsewhere. The kraken they had faced was a matter of circumstance. The poachers she had dealt with without the group even knowing--and they [i]didn't[/i] need to know about it. Afterall, Sifen, Maximus and she had all gotten out of there without any trouble sans the fact that they'd been acting loopy after they'd gotten out of it. Regardless, it would only stress the summoner out more, not to mention their crew. In this endeavor, however, there was no doubt in her mind that the red head was the culprit of everyone getting involved. There were thousands of other things they could be doing rather than sitting around waiting for legalities, one of which most definitely being getting a move on as soon as possible. She took a breath, relaxing her expression, and said no more on the subject. It had been Eva's decision to take a cripple and a woman in need of anger management with them, she would respect her wishes. [color=ed145b]"What do you think of Urick?"[/color] [color=mediumslateblue]"Huh...?"[/color] Saina turned her head back to Eva, having been caught off guard by the question. One look at Eva's expression told her everything she needed to know; her relaxed smile, her posture... it seemed to be a way to get her mind off things. Something she understood. Still... as Saina felt her cheeks warming and her gaze avert again from the summoner, she couldn't help but wish Eva had chosen a different subject. [color=mediumslateblue]"U...Urick is... well... he..."[/color] She caught herself smiling and twirling a lock of hair around her gloved finger, her eyes finding it and her smile dropping the second she noticed. Clearing her throat and closing her eyes, her hands dropped to her sides as she fought to steady how loud her heart was suddenly beating. Having regained her composure, she reopened her eyes. She spoke steadily this time. [color=mediumslateblue]"I think you, and everyone else underestimate him significantly,"[/color] She brought her gloved fingers to her chin and rubbed it as she talked, trying to really analyze her thoughts on Urick rather than letting her emotions swarm her. [color=mediumslateblue]"While you all regard his physical strength, it seems that his intellect goes unnoticed. When I first met him after all, you were quick to let me know he simply... doesn't talk much. It's true, he doesn't..."[/color] She smiled at Eva, her vibrant eyes glowing a little. [color=mediumslateblue]"But I think he has a lot to say."[/color]