[h2][color=aba000][centre]Matteus Suomalainen[/centre][/color][/h2] [h2][color=aba000][centre]The Viper Pit car shop[/centre][/color][/h2] The shop was buzzing with action today. Matteus's crew were busy working at two cars that needed to be done fast. One tomorow, the other two days from now. Matteus was in the office not doing anything important. He was sitting on the seat, looking at the TV and watching the news regarding the tragic death of Claire Bennett. He wasn't particulary happy about that despite hating her for exposing EVO's to the world. As he was paying attention to the news on TV Wesley comes inside with a satisfied look on his face. Matteus noticed him and turned around while still on the chair. "Hey Matty listen up, remember that guy that the police interogated last week regarding your girlfriend?" Asked Wesley while gesticulating. [color=aba000]"The owner of that black Chevy Impala that Sarah was dragged in?"[/color] Said Matteus, responding to Wesley's question with another question. "Yup, that guy. I got his address just like you asked. Whathaya say we pay him a visit and see if we can squeeze more information from him, prefferably the truth. Because my instinct's telling me that guy is a big fat lier." Responded Wesley. [color=aba000]"Yeah, whatever you say."[/color] Matteus said with a rather uninterested tone. "What's wrong with you? Who knocked the wind out of your sails?" [color=aba000]"Haven't you watched the news today?"[/color] "Not really! Was I supposed to?" [color=aba000]"Claire Bennett was just shot in the head on live television while giving a speech."[/color] "Oh my God! You gotta be kidding me. And what are you so sad about? I thought you hated her." Asked Wesley shocked by the news and surprised by Matteus's surprising sadness regarding the subject. [color=aba000]"Yes, and I still do. But from that to wanting her dead is a long way. And besides that...this incident can become a very dangerous precedent."[/color] Said Matteus, visibly concerned about the whole thing while Wesley was struggling to find his words. "Sooo, are we going after that guy or not?" [color=aba000]"Yes! I have a feeling he knows more then he wants us to think."[/color] Said Matteus as both he and Wesley got out of the office and out of the car shop. "Mine or yours?" Asked Wesley obviously reffering to whose car they take. [color=aba000]"Well you're the one that knows the address so lead the way my long braided friend."[/color] Said Matteus pointing towards Wesley's car, an [url=http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2014/11/16/518661/773d38a22873135f599ff0a06223aa8b.jpg]orange, customized, 1969 Pontiac GTO[/url] that he was using for both street racing and regular everyday driving. Matteus got on the passenger seat while Wesley started the car and drove away to the guy's address.