This RP will be set in an [u][b]alternate reality[/b][/u] Clone Wars. The differences however are not that big. Essentially this Clone Wars will be focused the 'what if' scenario of what if the Confederacy was lead by a group of Sith, rather than orchestrated from the shadows by a single Sith Lord and his apprentice. In this setting there are just as many Sith as there are Jedi, and they act in similar ways. What I mean by this is, just like with the Jedi in the Republic, Jedi within the Confederacy act as Generals and lead their own personal fleets. This is where you, the player comes in. You will take control of either a Sith or a Jedi 'General'. I will have it set up with a point system so that everyone can start with a custom fleet within a set limit. From there, everyone is free to move to where they want, set up bases and attack planetary installations. But I will warn you. Once you lose your fleet, you will have to start from scratch. Repeated victories will earn you more points that you can 'turn in' for reinforcements. For [u][b]example[/b][/u]: Your Jedi leads his fleet against a Confederate orbital defense fleet. You win, and are awarded 3 points. You can save your points, or spend them on reinforcements. Let's say an Acclimator costs one point, and a Venator costs 3 points. So you can add 3 Acclimators to your fleet, or a Venator, or whatever you want. You can spend those points however you want. The points will also be used for many other things such as building bases. You can earn points in multiple ways too, not just through combat. Missions, discovery, and even politics can earn you points. IC Points are essentially your fleet's 'Favor' with the Sith or Jedi council, and thus, their willingness to put a larger number of ships under your command or what have you. Everyone will start on a specific 'home' world. Worlds are not limited strictly to the original lore's standings except certain places. Geonosis is Confederate and Coruscant is Republic for example. But all the other worlds are open to be under whatever control you wish. Just, be sensible about it. Don't pick your homeworld as a Sith as the closest planet to coruscant for example. Everyone's job is to spread the influence of their faction, so you will take your fleet and try to conquer other worlds. The more worlds each faction has, the more points will be spread evenly among its members. The faction that conquers the map first wins. This will involve both ground and space forces. More details will be given if enough interest is shown. Sides will be kept even as best we can. I'm thinking 2v2 just to start. Anything goes, not like this is a ranked match. If your team is betrayed then they're betrayed. If you get attacked by someone who clearly overpowers you in every way, then try to lose with pride. And if you think this belongs in the arena section just let me know.