[@Dark Light] The fire that covered Andre thankfully or unfortunately died down just before clay tackled Andre to the ground. the heart scarab that kept Andre alive wasn't left out the brawl either for when clay tackled Andre he also hit the heart scarab dead on which startled it, which in turn caused it to Discharge electricity in a much larger burst all through out Andre's body. Andre meanwhile had become slightly dizzy from Clay's tackle but when Willow had put up the shield Andre began taking notice of one thing in particular, and it was that the lights where disappearing making it dark inside the shield... and Andre was scared of the dark, and one should never scare an Orc (not even an Half-Orc) so the heart scarab began discharging even more electricity thanks to the extra adrenaline boost. Andre's body began glowing blue thanks to all the electricity. And clay is still on top of trying to stab him with bottle