[@Phaesaris][@Gentlemanvaultboy] The assistant walked behind the counter and looked for the ale Sera had asked, when she found it put it on the counter and then turned back to the pick up a cup, she took one and examinated it making sure it was 100% clean, the pured the ale and softly pushed the base of the half-filled cup with just a finge approaching it to the girl. "Your ale, miss" She said before looking at the strange creature who had made such a falshy entrance, not that she was surprired, she had seen many strange things in that tavern. She went on her knees and opened the cabinets looking for ingredients ingredients to make the creature's favourtite cocktail. The assisntant put who knows what in a golden cocktail mixer and shaked it quickly for 2 or 3 minutes, during all the process she did not say a single word. When she finished she pured the light blue liquid resultant of the mix in a cup, to make the cocktail even more elegant she sliced a strawberry and placed it in the edge of the cup as decoration, as she did with Sera's cup the assistant pushed it with her finger towards the creature. " I am sorry to keep you waiting, here is your drink."