Name: Hue Bayer Age: 17 Race: half-nixie Description:[img][/img] Standing at 4'5" she looks a lot younger than she is. She weighs around 90lbs, and gets mistaken for a child fairly often. Her eyes are normally a dark green and Hue has straight blonde hair that almost reaches her shoulders...but not quite. The only unusual things to be noticed is that she appears to be wet the majority of the time for no reason. Also when she is submerged in water her eyes glow. Grade: High School Senior Magic School: Water Magic (She can breathe underwater and has minor hypnotic ability.) Personality:Hue is an incredibly unmotivated individual. During debates she doesn't seem to sway one way or the other. Honestly as long as it doesn't affect her personally, she just doesn't care. In fact she doesn't care about a large variety of things. She does have emotion, they are just more subtle than others. She is difficult to intimidate or agitate. Hue has little since of modesty "It's just a body, get over it." Bio: Hue grew up with her father, and was never told who or what her mother was. The only thing her father would say is that one day (after they had been seeing each other awhile) she showed up for tea. He left the room to acquire snack and when he got back, she was gone. But in her place was a baby and a note that said "Good Luck." Being who she is, those things never really affected her. Anyways, for all she knew, she would have been a terrible mother. Puberty was a bit rocky, but only because her father had to make it all awkward. Hue never had a lot of friends, and that was fine with her. She would always scare them off unintentionally with her uncaring demeanor and odd behavior. One day she so happened to be walking along side a nearby river after school. In the middle of wonder if she would actually bother doing her homework today, she spotted a group of her classmates. They had also noticed her and waved as they approached. Hue waved back, even though she couldn't remember for the life of her who exactly they were. They started to ask her odd questions and call her names. Hue decided it was better to ignore them, and their aggression grew. One boy actually pushed her into the river, instantly sweeping her away. Never been much to struggle she thought "So this is where i'm going to die, peaceful, I like it." After about ten minutes she realized nothing at all had changed, except that she was breathing. "Well, death is boring." Hue waded her way to the shore, and walked home. She opened the door dripping wet, looked at her father, and said " So apparently i'm magical."