Only some slight revisions to mundane equipment, otherwise full CS. [b]Name:[/b] Snoh Bhaal [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Sex:[/b] [s]Yes please[/s] Male [b]Race:[/b] [url=]Tiefling[/url] [b]Class:[/b] [url=]Hexblade[/url] 5/ [url=]Thayan knight[/url] 2 [b]Alignment:[/b] Lawful neutral [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] 6'2" 140, He still keeps his hair long, as a Thayan slave should. [b]Equipment:[/b] [hider=Combat gear] Assuming Character wealth by level +1 Sizing Longsword (1/round as swift action can change to any size) [8000 gold] +1 Elven chainmail (+5 Armor to AC) [5,150] Casters tower shield (+5 shield to AC, space to scribe scroll for hand free casting) [3,180] Masterwork Composite longbow rated for him (+1 hit, +2 Damage) [650] Hand of the mage, (mage hand at will) [900] 1120GP left in jewelry and trinkets. [/hider] [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] Resistance Cold 5, Resistance Electricity 5,Resistance Fire 5,(racial) Darkvision 60 feet(racial) Intimidation Knowlege arcana Knowlege local swim/climg/jump Weapon focus (longsword) Iron will Monkey grip Faster healing [b]Spells:[/b] Darkness 1/day(racial) Sleep 1/day (Class) Charm person 1/day (Class) [b]Personality:[/b] Aggressively submissive. He has been raised that his value is equal to those he works for. He has his own thoughts and ideas, but most often those lean on how to please others. When not given to submission, he is calm quiet and conniving. [b]Backstory: Something short and sweet, preferably.[/b] Born a Thayan slave in Benzantur, his fiendish heritage was obvious from birth and taken as a good sign of selective breeding between two other hexblades who had strong bloodlines. He was sold for a magnificent price and kept for many years by a drow priestess of [url=]Kiltzi[/url] until he would come of age to go to Hexcidon, the college of hexblades. During his time as a holy floor scrubber and priestess gofer, he was constantly taught his place at the bottom of the food chain and what a tasty morsel he would be one day. She also taught him how to please others, not merely carnally but how to draw the bath and present the food in pleasing ways. When he joined the college, they reinforced the lowliness of his place in society as a tiefling, as a hexblade, and as a slave. The best he could ever hope for is to die for his masters. But Snoh saw another way. He mastered the art of pleasing others his mistress had taught him, telling his superiors what they wanted to hear or saying their ideas back in a new voice. This made him in many ways the class omega, but it also kept him far from the fights of dominance the others participated in. He could watch and listen to learn the ways alphas acted so he could imitate them later if needed. He managed to slither through his classes to graduation with the sudden shift in focus of his combat training in the longsword and tower shield even though he was better with a greatsword. His classes had also taken a sidestep to include resisting mental intrusions as they were grooming to make him a Thayan knight for a good friend of his priestess. He was sold to a very practical and bookish transmuter who had to leave Thay with a bodyguard. They left for Luskon with official graduation but no ceremony from either the college or the priestess. Once hey were far from the city, they began to fall in 'like' with each other over the many miles and he did all he could to keep her well rested for spell casting. She gave him a magical longsword, her graduation project, to help protect her and a gift from the guidance of Kiltzi in the form of blessed armor. Sadly it wouldn't be enough as they were set upon by thugs, he told her to get away as far and fast as possible while he held them off. She cast a transportation spell of some kind and a thick fog rolled in. He managed to finish off the thugs with some minor wounds when he found a stone enchanted with the message spell, activating it took some work but he got the damn thing to repeat the orders to kill the Zulkir of [u]Necromancy[/u], their [i]apprentice[/i] and her bodyguard. But the fog lifts, and he is nowhere near where he once was. [/hider]