[img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-F9I-2Q9yhjU/Vg2d-6ht8LI/AAAAAAAAA_c/AbBjK3scR7Q/w403-h126-no/Name.png[/img] [color=9e0039]"So, is it settled then?"[/color] The Muun held out a hand, a fake ID card on it, reading "Jun Ii". [color=fff200]"As settled as it will be, give me the card"[/color] Jun'er then took the card from the man's cold, clammy hands, before turning away, stuffing the card in his pocket and walking away. The man was taken aback by Jun'er's rudeness. [color=9e0039]"That card took a lot to make, a thank you would be warrented."[/color] Jun'er turned back, stared with furrowed brow, then drew his blaster faster that the Muun could react and shot the man with it, the Muun did have time to react, only letting out a yelp, before the blaster bolt buried itself in his head. He stood for one second, stumbling forwards for a second, before blood leaked from his mouth, and he fell to the ground, with a loud smacking sound, black smoke leaking out of his wound. [color=fff200]"Thanks."[/color] Jun'er walked out of the alleyway, back into the city proper, leaving a credit on the ground, plastered with fingerprints of the previous owner, Master Ju'wok, who, unbeknownst to Jun'er, was dead, killed on a mission to Tatooine, in an attempt to find the then child Jun'er. Jun'er entered the main street proper, which bustled with activity, both Muun and Human, Jun'er checked his watch. [color=fff200]"Lunchtime, better leave quick before someone finds the body."[/color] Jun'er looked around, but all the buildings were gray, with very few differences, the main thing being height. [color=fff200]"But which building is the IGBC?"[/color] Jun'er shoved his hands into his pockets and sighed. [color=fff200]"Better get walking"[/color] Jun'er began walking, every few seconds an overeager Muun would shove past him, Humans tended to be more polite, however, one especially chubby man was upset by Jun'er shoving past him. He yelled out something that probably made sense in his native tongue, but Jun'er understood none of it. The man ran up to him, panting all the way. [color=8dc73f]"You wrecked my stock portfolio you moron! You'd better have money!"[/color] Jun'er shoved past the man again, looking forwards, but still slouched. [color=8dc73f]"Stop ignoring me! Republic bastard!"[/color] Jun'er's eyes popped open, and he turned towards the man, his jacket swinging behind him, and bouncing against a few walkers, he walked up to the chubby man, and gripped him by the collar with both hands. He leant over the man, pushing him downwards. [color=fff200]"The Republic huh? You'd better run, because if you don't, you'd better hope that a good doctor finds you."[/color] The man mouthed "I'm sorry" a few times, sweating profusely. Jun'er let him go, and the man ran into the crowds faster than he'd probably ever ran before. [color=662d91]"Scaring your problems away won't always work Jun."[/color] Jun'er smirked, whispering to himself. [i]"Enter Sun Underlar."[/i] The bespectacled Muun crossed his arms and tapped his foot. [color=662d91]"I assume you got the card?"[/color] Jun'er turned and laughed. [color=fff200] "You really think so little of me that you have to ask?"[/color] Sun's eyes opened wide, and then he laughed. [color=662d91]"Good lord you have more scars than usual."[/color] Jun'er laughed loudly and then walked forwards, the men took each other in a firm handshake, with Sun's larger Muun hand wrapping tightly around Jun'er's. [color=662d91]"Now, let's get down to business."[/color] ((Little short, but it got down all I wanted it to.))