Karesh boredly watched the proceedings. He put his feet on the table and ate very little of the food offered. It wasn't that he was hungry, but rather he wanted the soldier and the fighters to have more food. That way if there was a skirmish they'd have energy and he could just slip away. Simple, but elegant he thought. The problem was there was another thief about. She was fairly good, not great, but she did manage to hide from the rest of the group for a while. He'd only known she was there from her fall earlier. Once the feast was over, Karesh stood and wandered around in the main room, taking in the best spot for him to slip away if the need arise. However, Lorelei Tosen loudly announced her own departure from the main room. Without missing a beat, Karesh followed her. The Lady Tosen had none of her brother's tolerances of House Aseryo, and thus it was important for him to make sure she wasn't up to anything. He'd made it most of the way before stepping on a traitorous floorboard. It squeaked loudly and Karesh waited just outside of Lorelei's room. She spoke to herself inside, and on a whim he answered her. [color=00a651]"Ah, but my lady, by the time the groups convene yet again, it will be late in the day and surely you wish for us to seek out the demon threat as soon as possible?"[/color] Karesh leaned against the doorframe to make himself seen. [color=00a651]"You'll have to forgive me for following you, but you left so suddenly, my lady. The loss of beauty made the gathering much more boring and ugly."[/color] [@j8cob] [color=ed145b]"Orion, you do as you feel is best suited for you. I trust you to not die from a villager's desperate spear. Please take good care your horse,"[/color] Ryoichi said just before Clarissa joined them inside the castle. He laughed politely at her asking what happened. Where to begin? With Karesh's unwelcome 'scouting'? [color=ed145b]"There was only one moment when I thought they were going to kill us all, which is better than I expected to happen, quite honestly. We have an objective to head out for tomorrow morning, so eat and rest up, if you please. No doubt this truce will be tested along the way there."[/color] [@Aara1112][@Apollosarcher]