Eva noticed Saina's brows slowly furrowed into a light scowl. As she muttered half under her breath as she turned her face away. Eva had cocked her head to the side as a curious look came upon her face. What was wrong? She didn't press it at the moment as she turned to her other thoughts about Saina and Urick. When she then asked Saina about Urick she answered with.[color=mediumslateblue]"Huh...?"[/color] as it was clear she was off guard with the question. Eva had giggled at the sight of Saina's cheeks flushing, she knew there was something there and it confirmed it with how Saina had reacted with her eyes adverting as well. [color=mediumslateblue]"U...Urick is... well... he..."[/color] Eva leaned forward as she saw her smiling and twirling a lock of hair around her gloved finger. Eva smiled even more when she saw the girl catch herself smiling and playing with her hair. She stopped the second she noticed. Saina Cleared her throat and calmed her self for a second as Eva smiled even more. It was so cute watching the girl who was so in control of her emotions, from what she saw so far, struggling to control the little school girl in her. Having regained her composure, she reopened her eyes. She spoke more calmly now. [color=mediumslateblue]"I think you, and everyone else underestimate him significantly,"[/color] She paused for a moment while Eva watched her rub her chin.[color=mediumslateblue]"While you all regard his physical strength, it seems that his intellect goes unnoticed. When I first met him after all, you were quick to let me know he simply... doesn't talk much. It's true, he doesn't..."[/color] She smiled at Eva, her vibrant eyes glowing a little. [color=mediumslateblue]"But I think he has a lot to say."[/color] She pulled back and leaned backwards, balancing slightly on the rock as she thought about Saina had said with a small smile on her face. Humming as she placed a single forefinger from her right hand on her lips as she looked away, then after a moment, her eyes darted back to Saina. [color=ed145b]"I'd must admit, I have tried to get him to talk since I've met him. I didn't get much of anything even then. Of course Usually Gippal was there to state what was on his mind...so weird how he is able to do that. But he is so shy, I could barely get so many words out of him. But I do know he is not all muscle and no brain, He's a lot more thoughtful than Gippal...He's thoughtful as well, but he can be a dunce every once in a while.[/color] She gave a bigger smile. [color=ed145b]"Anyway I know Urick has talked more to you in these two days than I had managed to hear in the first two months of knowing him. I think the gentle Giant may have a soft spot for you." [/color]She said with a wink.