Full name: Chris Henderson Age: 50 Rebirth: Yes, although it was against his will. Rank/assignment: Captain Call sign: Bastard Personality: Chris Henderson Hides His feelings very well. He Sees Conversation more as a chess game than anything else. He Knows how to act to his superiors, If he feels like it that is. To those below him He acts very neutral keeping all his opinions of you to himself. However when you have earned his respect and hell maybe even his friendship, He will drop his poker face. Then he is just a friendly guy who you can do drinking contests with. He is, however very serious and is not afraid to go against his orders if these seem like folly to him. He Stares death in they eye and has a burning hatred against the UDK, because they killed his wife and unborn son. This is why he tries to disconnect from his comrades in fear of losing them, Something which he still, after all his years of service, is unable to do. He mostly keeps to himself reading and drinking. History: I'm Chris Henderson and this is my story. I was born on a mining facility close to Shantor. My young days where just as any kid, I had a loving family a hardworking father a caring mother and a grumpy sister. *chuckles* Those where the good days, Days that i wasn't afraid of getting shot or trying to command my ship which had just been ambushed. Sadly everything must come to an end. I was just 18 at the time When they attacked us, I remember it all so clearly. I was just watching t.v. when the alarms went off, I tried to pack some things but my father said that it was a waste of time. We ran as quick as we could to the escape pods, then the first Round hit. we all fell to the ground, the shock was immense. I completely panicked and ran as hard as I could losing sight of everyone I knew in the process. I was able to make it to one of the escape pods. I was tucked away in the pod with a bunch of unknown faces. However when we where just about to launch i saw my family trying to make it to the pod but they where to late. And then my father looked at me, his face a mix of relief and sadness knowing he would never see me again. I tried to save them tried to get them inside, but a couple of men held me down. We launched barely escaping the explosion, and as I watched my home burn I promised to take my revenge on the UKD. I was able to make my way to Shantor And enlisted in the army. It was the stupidest thing I would ever do. For three goddamn years I fought on all kinds of battlefields, From ice to desert I was always there. In the beginning I had a few friends, those from boot camp, I remember them all. James was a total ass, But in truth he was the most heroic man I ever met. Jeremy was our medic, he saved my life so many times I stopped counting at one point, he was the smart ass of our team. Then we had Conner our weird but trusty heavy weapons guy. As time went one I came to see them as family, trying to replace the one I lost, Which again was a stupid mistake. The first one we lost was Conner, we where stuck in a kill zone and Conner tried to shoot his way through. In the end we made it, Conner sadly did not. Next we lost Jeremy, our medic. I had been hit in the arm and he was dragging me behind some wall. I remember him saying that I owed him a beer again, Just as I was about to laugh when there was an ear deafening shot. I then saw Jeremy, his head had been turned into gravy, only his glasses remained. Before the sniper could finish me off he was shot by James, he then carried me back to base. However even he would loose his life. We where sent out to scout the area, when we where in a shot to hell supermarket me and James came under fire from a squad of enemy soldiers. James then did the most honorable thing a man could do, they had seen James but not me, he ran out to them emptying his gun. They mowed him down without taking a scratch. I wanted to help but I was to damn big a coward to do anything about it. I then asked my Sargent if I could be transferred to a battlestar, Maybe it was the sadness in my eyes that swayed him maybe it was something else, whatever it was I was transferred and got paid just enough for a couple of months. I would however use that money for something different. I had asked to be transferred mostly because I still wanted to serve, and secondly because I did not have the money the first time. The first day's at the academy at Shantor where hard, this was different territory and acting tough did not work here. It was all about the smarts. It was here where I learned how to get my poker face on. At first I tried fighters I always wanted to be a badass fighter pilot, to race through the ships dodging like a boss. However it was requested of me that I had to take a reaction test, Which I failed horribly. I had only two options left, either go home or go big, big meaning that I would pilot everything from corvettes to capital ships. Of course I choose the last option, and as bad as I was in fighters I was the best in big ships. It feels like a weird connection, Every time I touch those controls it feels like I am connected to the ship itself, anyway I'm getting of topic again. So They made me a pilot on the Isabella, a battlestar, our captain was the worst man you would ever meet, he was drunk greedy and a total ass. He also complained at everyone around him when he was bored. He especially did that to me bitching over even the slightest slip up. It was so annoying but in the end it started to help me, and then I had my first time in combat and also in commanding. We where ordered to escort 3 freighters to some mining facility some where in the system, and then three UDK light frigates attacked us, we where ambushed and our idiot of a captain was so shocked he did not respond until it was far too late. We where hit badly, Fire on multiple decks and a lot of dead and wounded. However lucky for me the captain was also dead. Then I did something against protocol. I took command of the ship, I started shouting orders everywhere the crew following them to the letter, because of my skills and that of the crew we managed to drive the enemy of destroying all of them. Now mostly someone pulling something like this would get fired before he could even say objection, but as my luck would have it they saw me as a good moral boost, so I was awarded a medal and given command over the destroyer. After that I was sent away to the front to fight the enemy head one. It seemed I had a knack for command because I was the first person to ever make it to admiral at the age of 40. I have so many battles stories to tell it would take hours to just tell you, but once again I'm getting of topic here. I had it all high rank a wife and a soon to be father, However there was one thing that bothers me. I was called off my command and my superiors asked me something that made me sick, they wanted me in there rebirth program, Something I was firmly against. The project never hit me well, it felt weird and inhuman and I wanted none of it. At first they tried there speeches saying that a hero such as me was needed to defeat Our enemy, I refused. They then started to shower me with rewards and promotions, A bigger house, a bigger everything, Still I refused. Then they started to threaten, What they Said is still classified but I can say that it had nothing to do with my **#^>{>]£\$ After that everything went so fast, and before I knew it I was looking at myself, Literally, Full with disgust. I promised myself to never be cloned, I still keep myself to that promise to this day, However everything would go spiraling down in a matter of days, All because of the UDK I had just won a long and hard battle and was checking on news back home, Then I saw something that drew all my blood away from my face. A terrorist attack had happened on my home system. normally I would not really care because this happens all the time, However this was different, Cause when I read further and I saw the words admiral's wife dead. I was so depressed that I could not command for a whole day, A little of me died that day. The next day I got a mission to attack a space station that had been defending a bunch of mining complexes. The battle was short lived, it was what happened next that made it important to me. We had the mining facilities in sight, I don't know why I did it but I just did. I ordered to open fire, and fire we did! We blasted everything to bits, no escape pods escaped our guns. It felt good to take revenge. Then I realized something, I once was someone living on those mining platforms, I had become the murderer and now I would bare the price for it. My superiors where not very happy with me, There poster boy had just committed mass murder. I was demoted to captain and was ordered to wait until I would get a ship at my command. So I waited and waited and waited, Until one day I got a call from command. I was ordered to go on a top secret mission. I was quickly transported to the planet. They did push a briefing in my hands so I was able to get at least a minor understanding of what would happen. As for the rest well I think time will tell. I do know one thing though, I'm really fucking late! Skils: Chris has a natural knack for strategy. He is battle hardened and can take pain very well. He also has his shooting skills from his soldier day's. Although they are a bit rusty. But what Chris really shines at are his piloting skills. He is excellent at piloting big ships. He knows exactly what to when to do rusty may his skills be. Weakness: Is not very strong in the physical sense. Is horrible in hand to hand combat. And has a annoying tendency to drink whenever he gets the chance. He also gets very emotional when someone mentions his wife. Romance: He is still mourning the dead of his wife and son. So you could try but don't expect much. Appearance: Chris stands 2 meters tall and has short hair. He has blue eyes and wears a jacket over his uniform. He has several bullet scars dotted over his body. Picture [img]http://img.thesun.co.uk/aidemitlum/archive/01301/Torchwood_280_1301559a.jpg[/img]