[center][h1]Drasinian[/h1][/center] As the Nun walked away, Drasinian merely smiled and waved as she passed, not bothered at all by her words or tone. No matter what she said, it didn't make her any less like the prey she was. Once she was gone from his sight, he walked off a ways until he found an alley to walk down. Here is where he planned to prep his tracking of his options of prey, as he still wasn't sure of who he should hunt, when he found himself looking on the scene of assault as three men seemed to be encroaching on a lone woman, the shine of a knife in the hands of one. He stared, wondering whether he should walk on by or kill the lot of them, when the choice was made for him. One of the men noticed the lone figure standing a ways behind them and turned around to draw a gun. Only to find that Drasinian was suddenly right next to him, grabbing his wrist pin a crushing grip. The man let out a yelp of pain, before the homunculi took his hand and slammed it into the man's throat, closing his windpipe and leaving him to choke to death on the ground. With as much for as Drasinian had put into that strike, he wasn't getting back up. The other two mugger's, now aware of his presence, turned around to take him down, only to find him already taking down another man by launching a knee into his sternum with enough force to crush it. Tossing him aside before the man could bark any blood on him, he easily evaded the blow of the man with a knife, turning around to stare at him, a his face as he launched himself forward, grabbing the man's head and slamming it into the ground. He'd do it two more times after the first, just to make sure that the man was dead, before turning towards the woman. She sat there, looking at the man in front of her with a look of terror as he brought his bloodied hand to his lips in a shushing motion, taking a slow, predatory walk towards her. This seemed to bring her out of her fear-drvien silence as she prepared to scream, only to have a gargling moan come out instead as Drasinian opened up one of his storage places and pulled out a throwing knife, silencing her with a flick of his wrist. "Well, that was no fun, but I'm not feeling like playing with toys right now. And I also should get rid of the bodies, shouldn't I? Tch, guess the dove and her friends get away . . . for now, at least." With a sigh, Drasinian took to picking up the bodies and putting them into a new pocket dimension, also using a pocket dimension to clean up all the blood(via opening it up, making it so that it's a vacuum on the inside, and simply sucking it all up). Once that was done, he took a bit of a walk from the area until he found an empty space in-between some buildings that seem uninhabited, for the moment anyway. Walking over to the Dumpster, he opened the lid and snapped his fingers, dropping all the bodies and the blood inside, before slamming the lid closed. "There, that should do. Should be funny trying to if the police can work this one out." He'd been sure to wear some gloves while he worked, as he always had some on hand in a pocket dimension in case he need to do quick removal of some evidence. [i]Damn forensics, makes killing a lot more annoying than it has any right to be.[/i]