Ashes began to blanket the arts district, Arch-chancellor Cyk holding his head in his hands as the opera house burned. So many things had gone wrong leading up to this point he could only keep track because of the small army of advisers and consultants standing in front of him. To start the weather had been bad, but that was nothing new. In fact that was the only thing that was clear about the situation. There had been a traveling playwright that had just finished the theater circuit in the RNI, and had decided that Drakun would be his new stage. That was agreed upon by both the Intelligence Branch and The Civil Forces, but they were the only ones. As Arch-chancellor he had decided to make an example to his people and attend the foreigners performance. From there no one agreed on anything. The end result was a small riot that had only been quelled by the need to put out the fires which they themselves had started. Playwright in question was currently being shielded from the Arch-chancellors own guards; having lost their composure during the satire. ___ "Jack" was eventually released, he did have the appropriate papers and despite a stern questioning by The Civil Forces there was no evidence to prove he was anything more than a tradesman who held the Drakun culture in disdain. A copy of his identification was added to the watch list but beyond encouraging him to leave Drakun little was to be done. ___ The Mares of Deliverance received their mobilization orders rather suddenly, divisions of the Thunder-Men where already dispatched to establish supply lines. Not bothering to hide their actions or to make a statement of intent the boarder of Drakun and "The True Kingdom" was soon lined with cavalry.