[hider=Johanna Roheisia Valerivicus] [b]Birth Name[/b]: Johanna Roheisia Valerivicus [b]Other Names[/b]: “Jo” [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Rank/Titles/Social Class[/b]: Originally born into the merchant class by way of her parents, Johanna is now within close ranks to the middle-upper class ranks of society, by her own doing. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Typical outfit for Johanna] [img]http://pre15.deviantart.net/c452/th/pre/f/2007/208/1/c/victorian_natural_form_gown_by_stahlrose.jpg[/img][/hider] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/3b10/i/2013/012/4/a/sadness_by_luisapreissler-d5raal3.jpg[/img] Johanna is tall, standing at 5’8, or at least for a woman. She weighs 130lbs, and every inch of her body is lean, taunt muscle. She often times wears simple, yet still rather fashionable clothes; she tends to stick to earth tones, when deciding what to wear, such as burnt umber, rusty orange, pine green, navy blue, etc. Johanna has a soft face with pointy cheek bones, and a small squarish chin. Her eyes are slightly tapered at the corners, giving her a more feline look than others, with bright silvery eyes to match. Her nose is gently sloped, with a rounded-tip, and plump lips that look like she is pouting when she frowns. [b]Personality[/b]: Johanna has always been headstrong, and rather defiant in her ways. She likes things to be do in a peculiar way, her way. She can be very unsettled if she finds/hears men making roguish comments about any woman. Johanna is what most would call, a feminist in today’s terminology. She believes women should receive equal pay in the work force, and that it should be acceptable for a woman to have an occupation, no matter her standing in life. Unless of course, she doesn’t have to work for it because her family is overly wealthy; then by all means, stay at home and sip tea from beautiful china saucers. Johanna has never loved anyone, sure she knows of love, and dreams about it, but the closest she has come to love, is keeping familiars. [b]Psychic Talent[/b]: [b][u]Automatic Writing[/u][/b] When Johanna was but a young child, her parents would find her facing the wall in her bedroom, writing hurriedly across the wall. They had to wallpaper her walls countless times, just to cover up her incoherent words etched into the wall. It started at the age of four, though it became more prevalent when she entered her teenage years; Johanna would fall into a trance, one where she would awaken from, and proclaim she knew nothing of what transpired. What she was seeing, were visions, turned into writing, her conscious mind was forced into writing what she was seeing. To this day, Johanna still experiences her spells of automatic writing, making her grow weary of what she is doing, where she is going, and whom she is with. Most of the time, Johanna can be easily awoken from her trance by just a shake of the shoulder. Yet, when traumatic events are occurring, especially ones she is writing about, Johanna becomes very tense, and agitated, often ending in raging screams should anyone disrupt her vision/writing process. [b]Skills[/b]: Tarot Reading (more of a hobby, and as a way to peer deeper into her visions, she does not do this for money.) Sewing/Embroidery Painting/Drawing Fencing Botany (consisting of knowledge of useful herbs, poisons, potions/elixirs/polutices/salves/tinctures, and gardening as well.) Speaks the following: Italian (Native), French (Fluent), English (Modest), German/Russian (Decent) [b]Weapons/Fighting[/b]: From Johanna’s insistence, her parents hired her a fencing tutor, she is quite skilled in fencing, and actually owns a French rapier, one obtained from her studies abroad. [b]History[/b]: Born into a wealthy merchant family, though still considered beneath aristocracy, Johanna Valerivicus was conceived by Albert and Susanna Valerivicus. Albert came from Italian ancestry, and Susanna was of French descent. Ever since Johanna was four, she would have spells, and fall into trances, one that would result in a jumble of chicken scratch writing scrolled across the walls in her bedroom. Her parents grew worried about her habit, and desperately tried to control it themselves. One day, when Johanna turned 7, she was found banging her head against the wall in her room, crying loudly. When her parents looked to see what troubled their daughter, they gazed in horror at the words etched into the wall. “[i]Isabella. Isabella. Isabella. Isabella. Isabella Lorenzo. Isabella Lorenzo. Isabella Lorenzo. Isabella Lorenzo. Smoke all around. Burning. Burning. Burning. Smoke all around. Burning. Burning. Burning. Forever after. Burning. Flames. Flames are growing. Burning her. Burning her. Burning her alive. Can’t see. Can’t see. Can’t see. Crying. Crying. Crying. Crying. Crying for help! No one can hear. No one can hear. No one can help! Fire all around. She is dying. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.[/i]” The last word was repeated across the rest of the wall, and she was about to start onto the next wall when her parents entered the room. Isabella Lorenzo was a young girl that Johanna grew up with, they were both playmates as they lived across the street from one another, and she died in her house due to a blaze started by an oil-lamp being knocked over that spread out of control. Isabella, and her nursemaid were the only ones that perished in the blaze. Ever since then, her parents believed that Johanna was indeed gifted, with a paranormal talent. Though they dared not try to exploit her out of fear or condemnation from the church. At the time, Johanna and her family lived in Florence, Italy. From there, they moved northward to Prague. At the time, and still true, to do the day, Prague was considered a destination for the artists, the thinkers, and a popular destination for the aristocrats. For her father, Albert, he wanted to move their family to Prague due to its vast trading district. As a merchant in Florence, he provided a decent life, yet the opportunities in Prague left him wanting for more. When Johanna had settled into her home life in Prague, she insisted on her father hiring a governess, along with a fencing instructor, as she put it, she needed to be taught how to defend herself. She could speak fluent French and Italian from her parents, her father’s trading business allowed her to learn English as well, but she had troubled understanding the local dialect, a rough combination of Slavic tongues, mainly German. Her governess, Greta, taught her how to speak German, and Russian. She became Johanna’s second mother, as her mother, Susanna became more distant to the young Johanna. When her mother became with child, this time providing a younger brother for her, Susanna passed away from consumption months after, leaving Johanna stricken with grief. As Johanna entered her early teen years, the death of her mother still hung heavily upon her mind, yet she put her mind at ease by focusing on her studies. She wanted to study everything, with such a young and impressionable mind, Albert could not say no to his beloved daughter. By the age of fifteen, Johanna had taken arithmetic, literature, and a particular liking to the study of plants. Her father fueled her love of the earth by purchasing a pleasant town-home with a small, arboretum. Here, Johanna continued her studies, mostly coming to understand the effects of plants, and which ones grew best in sunlight, or in the shade; which ones were poison, and ones that were better used in soups or teas. She had a particular touch for growing exotic flowers, especially changing the colour of roses. Her brother, Reinold, was just a young toddler when Johanna left the home of her father in pursuit to open her own apothecary. Albert assisted her, making sure she chose a decent store front, close to where the upper-class citizens lived, by herself, at the age of 18, and the occasional aid of her father, Johanna provide care to the people of Prague through her apothecary. She made tinctures, poultices, potions, elixirs, all in truth were very beneficial to one’s health, and not a scam like others were doing with their elixirs of ‘eternal life’. She didn’t believe that bullcrap those scam artists fed the people, as the power of herbs could really help treat an ailment or provide the body with relief. Her fits had died down considerably of automatic writing at this point in time, yet when a young woman went missing in Prague, Johanna frothed at the mouth for days, writing incessantly, her eyes rolled back in her head, her face pallid and sweaty. Once she came too, Johanna discovered, after checking the newspaper, which a young woman, close to her in age, had drowned under mysterious circumstances; she chose to lead a more secretive life, and made her apothecary, appointment-only. Times were hard as she was forced to close her shop, Johanna had dwindling customers once the whispers of doctors came about. Only a month ago, Johanna received a well written letter, inviting her to visit a manor on the edge of Prague, settled deep within the thickets of the woods. She knew of the place, House Ianus, by rumors alone. After receiving the letter, Johanna considered it for a week, weighing in her mind, the truth of the letter, and what the writer meant by her ‘[i]talent[/i]’. She feared that he knew supposedly of her habit, and once deciding that it wouldn’t hurt to see what the fellow wanted, she wrote in return. House Ianus proved to be a gorgeous manor tucked away in the forest just outside of Prague. Johanna moved in a week later, explaining to her father that she had discovered a learning opportunity at a school on the edge of town, where she would pursue her studies in botany further. He rejoiced at the idea that she would have a place to stay, and continue her passions, Albert asked no further questions about the manor or what she would be doing, as he trusted his daughter to make sensible decisions. She has been at the house for less than a month, but she has become well acquainted with the grounds and gardens, preferring to spend her time there, harvesting herbs and flowers, tending and weeding to her plants like beloved children. [b]Random[/b]: Johanna loves plants, her favourite ones are: chamomile, lavender, thyme, roses and poppy flowers. She can make a mean cup of tea! Don’t expect her to drink any type of English tea though. Johanna owns a French rapier, a gift from her mother before her passing, she has made it into a cane sword, with a raven’s head for the cane handle. [/hider]