[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nSv8Wrf.jpg[/img] She wears her father's flight jacket, a parting gift before she left. [color=A82828][u][h2]Anna Powers[/h2][/u][/color] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 90lbs [b]Nationality:[/b] The U.S.A. [b]Class:[/b] 2b [b]Occupation: [/b] Student... I mean, come on now [b]Weapons:[/b] Currently Unarmed... but not for looong! [b]Current Location:[/b] Corridors [b]Personality:[/b] Anna is your typical gung ho, cheeseburger eatin, "taste my shiny metal shotgun barrel you zombie fuck!", all american bada- Actually, she's none of those things (okay, maybe the cheeseburger part..). Anna has a strong, leadership type of personality. While constantly skeptical of both people and her environment, she is fairly friendly and willing to help those she thinks she can save. The horror she has witnessed has, of course, put a damper on things to say the least, but she's not focused on that for now. For now, she's keeping her cool and is going through the motions to get out alive. [b]Background:[/b] Anna was born in the United States and grew up there much of her life. She's a southerner of sorts, growing up in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Through much of her early life, she was very much a tomboy. Being raised by her father and no one else probably didn't help her become more "lady-like". She hunted, fished, and went to the shooting range from time to time. By her early teens, she began to get more into photography as a hobby, almost as a direct response to what she called the "hipster photography plague". More importantly, however, she was much more interested in the outside world. Living in a small, seasonal coastal town drove her insane. Anna wanted to do so much more than just go to school, hangout, then go to bed every day. As part of a state and federal effort of expanding opportunities in education, an exchange program opened up for her school. Upon hearing about it, this was the adventure Anna had been waiting for. So, despite barely ever learning about Japan, or even speaking a word of Japanese, she ended up being the only one in her school to sign up for it. Of course, Anna was chosen, and she was sent off at the beginning of her Junior year. And as one might expect, during the beginning, she had an incredibly hard time. From barely understanding what her tests said to the weird, unknown social rules and pressures, it was a challenge to say the least. Yet, despite this, she rose to it, learning quickly and making friends that would help her through it. When the virus broke out, Anna saw things she would never forget. Right now its... its all a blur to her. A whirlwind of blood, violence, and screams. The worst country to be in when the zombies take over..... [/center]