[color=598527][b][h3]Brine[/h3][/b][/color] After the second shot I more or less quit paying attention to what Commander Monroe was saying, not that I didn't think it was important but I was slightly more concerned with the bullet now lodged in my leg. Thankfully the third shot drowned out any noise I made when struck by the ricochet, I recovered in time to catch the part about being confined to quarters and janitorial duties. After Commander Monroe walked to the loading ramp of the ship I took a look for Capt. Carson and when I spotted her, waved in her direction saying. "Captain Carson, your slotted to be the squad medic correct?" I asked to which she nodded an affirmative, then I continued. "there's something urgent I need to speak to you about after we receive our bunking orders." I say as normally as I can and hang to the back of the group, with barely any sign that there's a hole in my leg. [color=0054a6][b][h3]Derek[/h3][/b][/color] Showing my displeasure by letting out a loud groan I start walking towards the C.O. to get my room assignment. [i]'I swear if I'm bunked with one of those assholes I'm going to make his life miserable for as long as this trip last!'[/i] I think to myself as I take my piece of paper. I look down at it as I continue into the ship and I can't help but smile. [i]'O fuck yeah, Welcome to hell bitch.'[/i] I was paired with the man that shot his mouth off at the coms officer. Now to find something fun to do to make this trip unforgettable.