[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dj0iMhd.png[/img] [sub]character originally created for [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86775-the-badlands/ooc]the badlands[/url][/sub][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Reagan Woods [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance] [img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/3d6be5768912e836f78ce79057f1f386/tumblr_nqlxd6rkSQ1qczeeoo1_500.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Affiliation:[/b] Young Gods [b]Strengths:[/b] Has a lot of connections | Trained in hand-to-hand combat | Manipulative [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Cocky | Lacks survival skills | Forgetful [b]History:[/b] Reagan was born Olivia Greene, the only daughter of Anthony Greene, owner of the White Lotus Casino, and Trinity Greene, a member of the Badlands' Political Council. She was born into the worst of Badlands, surrounded by all the luxuries the wretched city had to offer. She loved it - by the gods, she knew she loved it. She loved all the attention she was getting. She knew that most of them were just sucking up to her because of her parents, but she was being treated like a princess and she didn't want it any other way. She knew she'd become the epitome of a spoiled brat and she embraced it, not knowing anything else. When she was sixteen, the attention showered on her dwindled. Reagan didn't like that one bit. She sought for ways to grab her parents and the people's attention again, but always came up blank. That was when she saw a member of the Young Gods training in one of the abandoned houses in the Outer Circle. She hid and watched them from the shadows, captivated by what they did. She learned that they were planning a rebellion - that they were training themselves to survive the Wasteland. She didn't really like their advocacy - she loved her life in the Badlands, thank you very much - but one word struck her. Rebellion. She knew how much her mother hated that word. She hated the very idea of it. Reagan knew what she had to do. She dyed her hair from blonde to a dark brown. She changed her clothing style to fit the typical Young Gods. She stopped going by Olivia and changed her name to Reagan Woods. She began to laugh at the people who told her she looked like the Councilwoman's daughter, saying something about how lucky she'd be if she were. She integrated herself into the Young Gods and watched her mother for her reaction. She'd definitely caught her mother's attention, but it didn't yield the result she wanted. Trinity Greene announced that her daughter had fallen ill and died. Now caught in the lie she'd made without any place to turn to, Reagan was stuck with the Young Gods. They trusted her enough to be one of the Young Gods' leaders, and Reagan begrudgingly agreed. She would join in their plotting and their games, but she was still searching for ways to make up for her little stunt with her mother. [b]Others:[/b] Reagan's preferred weapons are daggers and her bare hands. She's still in contact with her younger brother, Victor.