[center][color=violet][h3]Twilight Sparkle - On her way out[/h3][/color][/center] _____________________________________________________ She paused to look back to the admittedly rather unusual, to her anyway, human that had brought up her offer of sharing a room. His behavior 'was' odd, but hardly enough to really put her off, afterall, very VERY few could compare to Pinkie Pie in oddness. After a fairly long moment of thought she pushed a small smile and nodded [color=violet]"Yes, I was offering to share a room with someone... Having a companion is bound to be better than being alone... Just don't freak out if you hear me crying myself to sleep or something, I've been holding in a break-down that I need to get out before I can think straight again, ever since figuring out I was dragged away from my friends and into some Sociopath's private dimension and even our own resident mad-pony Reality breakers couldn't so much as poke a finger through after me."[/color] Goodness, but it was weird being in a muddled state and still being able coherently explain things like that... well, it wasn't for her, but by average standards it was.