Verdi got up and set about leaving the dorm room perhaps a short walk would help clear her mind and and perhaps finally start on the custom build. With a sigh she got up and brought the case containing her Thanatos with her never knew what might be lying around the corner after all. After awhile she stopped and looked at the area she was the the school's combat arena which was currently showcasing a prerecorded match on the stage one of the many matches from gunpla academy it seemed. Still it seemed she would not be able to watch the match since just as she sat down someone decided to stand in front of her. The boy was quite rude saying only a few words she only caught a few of what he said since she did not quite understand what he was saying through gum in his mouth. Still he seemed dead set on putting the "foreigner" in her place or something of that nature she cared little to be honest. The match was starting and to her all that mattered was the battle now she could care less for standards and reasons it was just not important. What mattered was getting this battle done and over with as the stage that was selected was desert. And indeed it was as once she landed her thanatos all she could see was pure expanses of sand.