[b]CAPTAIN CHRIS HENDERSON [/b] I was late and i was not very happy about it. My transport was an old type. And i swear that the reactor had almost overloaded at least five times. So you can imagine the relief i felt when i finally saw my destination glimmering in the distance. I was so happy i even drank some of my whiskey which i had hidden into my coat. There where a lot of things hidden in my coat. One of those things being my gun. Some more whiskey and scotch, and of course a pack of smokes. My duffle bag had the regular stuff. We docked and i could hear the usual ads shouting about some product being better that that product. I sighed in relief when i stepped out of the almost falling apart transporter. And went On my way To the other transporter where i would meet the rest of my crew. On they way there i bumped into a couple of engineers who seemed to be eyeing my coat. I opened my coat showing them my gun and they quickly looked the other way. I finally made it to the docking bay and walked one very strange scene. Rin lee Monroe my commander had just fired a few bullets into a wall and then went on a rant that here gun was god. And that they where all to have Janitorial duties for the rest of the day. She then gave them bunking assignments not noticing me at all. I put my poker face on and walked over to here nodding at everyone. I then stopped a respectful 2 meters away from here saluted and said in a relaxed but respectful tone. " Captain Chris Henderson reporting for duty commander. My apologies for being a little late my transport had a few issues on the way here." I gulped and waited for a response. Hoping that that response was not a punch in the face.