"W-well, I'll be sure to consider it as our plan b." Lammy replied, face reddening through a sheepish chuckle as he got a look at her personal smile. It was the first he'd seen something like that from her, he wasn't prepared for such a left jab of cuteness. By that time, a horse drawn wagon appeared alongside the group, with a woman resembling a fortune teller pulling the reins. Listening to Lily and Eranah introduce themselves using their full titles was somewhat imposing for the boy, even if he couldn't say the same for himself. "Hey, hi, I'm Lammy." He began casually. "...Don't really have a title, I mean, unless you've heard of my parents or sister...i'm just a simple druid." He then turned his attention towards the red haired fortune teller. "Got any room up there on your carriage? My little piggies are freezing down here." He queried.