Name: Jackson H. Druid (soul Trader) Age: umm... 666,286 years old I think? Race: Demon Description: He has an unhealthy skinny look to him as he is always seen wearing an charcoal gray suit unlike other smaller demons he isn't red or have horns. Its almost impossible to tell that he is an demon until you cast detect life on him. Grade: He pretends that he is a College Freshman but he isn't a very good actor. Magic School: illusion magic Personality: always assume the worst of people and always ready for some action *Wink Wink* Bio: Born from hell this demon is the middle man for the soul trade by giving your soul to him he will grant you ONE wish (there are rules to follow) not much is known about him except if you say his name three times alone he will appear out .of nowhere . Rules to your wish: Can’t have more then one wish, can’t wish for your soul back, no destruction of the world (nothing bigger than a town can be destroyed. Can’t wish to become demon, no world domination and such. Have Fun!