[Hider=Short ass training post yo][img]http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire1/5c5b7033e44caa740d2a284a8b2b22501342329358_full.jpg[/img] “Ah, you’ve finally come and visited me,” Ken said as he had his back to Hikari, face forward towards the storms causing his hair fly back a bit, “And here I thought you’ve forgotten about me…You don’t use me much, why is that? Why do you not like me?” “It’s not like that,” Hikari spoke just as calmly as he took a step closer to Ken, “It’s just that your power isn’t for me, your shape isn’t for me. I just can’t use you; I’ve been trained in Hakuda and Zanjutsu all my life, Bōjutsu just isn’t my thing…” “So that’s it?” Ken asked as he gripped the staff in his hand, which then turned into a katana, “We share an immense Spirit Energy, Hikari, just us two alone…Your focus on it, along with mine, and is why you’re able to infuse your Spirit Energy into your Zanpakuto sealed state. I guess I should be happy about that…But I have no intentions of sharing my Zanjutsu techniques with you just yet, I understand why you don’t use me much….So I’ll share a Hakuda technique with you.” Just then, Ken turned around and walked up to Hikari. He raised his hands to show Hikari his palms; Hikari formed his hands in the same way. Ken nodded and backed up, speaking, “Close your eyes.” Hikari did, standing completely still. “Now, sense my Spirit Energy. Focus, don’t just sense it, focus, and focus well.” “Right…” Hikari mumbled, taking a breath and focusing on the energy in front of him, then the multiple reiatsu around him. Multiplying twenty times, “Wait, how’d you-“ “Don’t ask, just focus,” Hikari heard Ken’s voice, “Strike around you using your palms, focus on the Spirit Energy. When they get close, you know when to strike. And strike fast, an enemy waits on no man.” As Ken was talking, the Spirit Energies were already rushing towards him. [I]’Hopefully this turns out good[/I], Hikari thought as he pushed his palm forward sending back whatever got near, but only a little as it started rushing back towards him. “A body is useless without a mind, Hikari, keep focusing. All the while channel your reiatsu throughout your palms, not too much, if you channel too much your brain will lose focus on what’s around you.” Hikari nodded, but he didn’t have much time to. The Spirit Energies just got closer and closer, he didn’t want them to get too close. Trying to focus on the enemies and his palms at the same time, he accidently sent too much Spirit Energy into his palms, striking an enemy caused it to fly back too far, also caused him to fly back a bit and lose focus on the enemies giving them an opening. They began kicking him, punching him, hitting him with a staff. Hikari got too frustrated and exploded. His Spirit Energy shot out and destroyed the Spirit Energies around him, and destroyed everything in a one mile radius. Hikari opened his eyes to debris falling, the ocean not too far from them swirling violently from the strong winds. Normally there were strong winds, but what Hikari did just made it stronger. He looked up to see Ken floating down towards him, landing softly. With a flick to his hands, the strong winds stopped, causing the ocean to revert back. “This is what happens when you apply too much,” Ken said. “I was [I]trying[/I]! You didn’t give me a chance!” Hikari exclaimed. “And you think the enemy will? I’m a realistic trainer, Hikari, you know this. I’ll try to put you through tough training, so when the time comes, you’ll be a little experienced,” Ken spoke with the same calm tone as when he first began speaking. Hikari calmed down, taking a breath, and standing up. He nodded, and spoke more calmly, “I know…Let’s just try again.” Ken nodded; Hikari backed up and closed his eyes. He focused again as the enemies came at him, and focused his own Spirit Energy into his palms. As an enemy got closer, Hikari struck and sent them skidding back. Swiftly, he turned and struck two more, then to the left, and behind him. Back to the front, he hit two more, but got hit in the back causing him to stumble. He regained himself and turned around, attempting to strike but got his wrist grabbed, just then the Spirit Energies disappeared causing Hikari to open his eyes. Ken was standing right in front of him, grabbing his wrist. He let it go and gave a small smile, “You have it down, atleast a little bit. You can train more on it outside, I’ll teach you more another time.” Ken’s smile disappeared and he turned around and began walking towards the water. “Yeah…Thanks….” Hikari mumbled with a light smirk as he closed his eyes, opening them he was back in the half-torn down dojo. He stood up and walked outside, it was what was left of the Shinrai clan. Walking on more, he went to the untouched side. The attack hadn’t gotten this far, but it was getting pretty old. Just then he almost bumped into someone, that someone who turned around. “Satomaru?” Hikari asked. [img]http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120516022032/betterbleachfanfiction/images/3/3f/Satomaru_Headshot_1.jpg[/img] “The hell you doing here?” Satomaru asked. “Visiting…I thought you were dead!” Hikari said. “Pfft, you really think I’ll die by the hands of a couple hollow, and that punk fucker Kuro? You must have thought as low of me as he did,” Satomaru said, sticking his hands inside his pockets, “…I set off to find Kaguya when you were being taken away by that Captain, and other members while it looks like you’ve been playing around at the Shinigami academy.” “I’ve been trying to find them too, Sato, I’ve just been hold up here. I’m trying to get stronger so I can atleast [I]survive[/I] when I do go out to look for them. And I also don’t hold on to the past that tightly, Soul Society is my first priority.” “Figures you’d gone that way,” Satomaru said with a scoff as he turned around and began walking away, “Give my best to Kenta, I’m sure he’s atleast stronger than you. I’ll be around.” Hikari sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he began making his way back to the Seireitei. Six years and it took both of them to only find one other surviving member, he chuckled a bit knowing that he wasn’t the only full-blood surviving member of the clan.[/hider]