James listened intently as he the typical sequence of events followed. Police were called and took a statement from the man. As only cash was missing from his wallet, it's considered a petty crime. So, the cops will just "keep an eye out" for the thief. James smiled as the man cured at how little the police seemed to care about it as James could hear him walk away from the area. After a few minutes, James peeked his head over the edge of the building. Looking out, he saw that everything had seemed to return to normal. Confident he was home free he teleported back down to the other end of the alley he had run down to case the other side of the block. He stood there casually as he watched the people walking up and down the sidewalk. This wasn't home to a nice cafe like behind him, but he could do some basic pick pocketing. He often wondered if his own self-confidence would ever get him into trouble sometimes. It was great for pulling off con's, but maybe his was getting too brazen for his own good. He laughed at the thought. "So what if I'm barley a block away from where I just robbed a guy? I can teleport away worst case if anything happens." He thought smugly to himself.