[b]Jennifer Henderson Los Angeles California[/b] Jennifer nodded her head before walking briskly to the bedroom. She needed to put on some clothes, even if walking around the house naked made her feel free. Jennifer picked out a pair of denim shorts and a white with "Young and Reckless" written stylishly across it in pink. She didn't really care how she looked, because her clothes would be gone the second she used her ability. Sometimes she wished she could somehow get her clothes to convert like her body could, but she figured that wouldn't make any sense. This was the thrill she needed. She turned on the television and figured she'd watch something on Netflix till Noah arrived. "The Office should be good." It was a comedy that she and her husband often watched together when they had the chance. Jennifer couldn't relate to it, but she always found it great to see Michael enjoy it so much. ------------------------- [b]Michael Henderson Olympus Testing Facility; Medical Wing[/b] Michael stared at the door of the room he was pushed out of before he saw three other medical personnel heading to the room with a stretcher. They looked at Michael as if he was out of place. [i]Am I supposed to just continue working?[/i] With the door now open, Michael watched the three who had just entered lift the lifeless body of the doctor onto the stretcher. Michael couldn't believe the man was dead. Everything had happened so fast... He looked at the security personnel who were looking down at the now sleeping patient. "We gotta radio this in." One of the men said. "Stross is gonna be pissed. The geezer was the head of the medical wing. "He's replaceable..." The man who seemed a lot colder than his partner looked at Michael who seemed pretty lost to the situation. "You! Tell us what went down in here." Michael entered the room and sighed before speaking. "I came in here to assist the doctor... While his back was turned the Evo grabbed him and..." Michael turned to the stretcher making its way out with the deceased doctor on it. "Did that to him. Then I pressed the button on the wall." Michael lied to keep himself safe. "Well shit. I guess the doc should have used more sedatives like he's supposed to. If your good, continue your work. Mr Stross may want to have a word with you about this incident." The man said before grabbing his radio to get ready to report what had happened. "All channels, all channels, this is Officer Sykes. We have a Code Black in the medical wing involving Dr. Lorenz..." That was all Michael heard as he exited the room and headed to the next. What had he gotten himself into...