[center][img]http://i1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb396/rubixon/setsr_zpsrrgkrfkq.jpg[/img][/center] Welcome to Magic's Blight, a game set within the cyberpunk 'fantasyland' of the Shadowrun universe. It's been seven years since the Crash 2.0 crippled the safe bubble the meek, the mild, and the mundane have gotten quite accustomed to living their lives in. Luckily for them, and unluckily for anyone else, the great Corporate Court was able to lead a recovery far faster than many might have thought in the days directly after the Crash. They've even given us the wireless Matrix. All you need's the right little chip and you can do anything from turn on your coffee maker to do cyber battle between you and another decker--though the kids all call themselves "hackers" now. Our game will be focusing on a small group of Shadowrunners. The player chaeracters should be about mid-range runners; most probably on the rise, maybe a steady old hand or two, etc, the options are pretty open. Veterans of corporate extractions and infilitration, people not shocked at the sight of corporate strike teams, but not anyone that's going to laugh in the face of one. Don't go overboard, but make it someone worth noticing if they were scouting for hidden/lesser known talents to include a dangerous job that can only be done by those that won't immediately set off flags if they're hired. [b]IC Details[/b] [list] [*] Year 2071, Seattle Metroplex. [*] Seattle is slowly recovering from one of the worst crime waves in decades; a wave mostly fueled by the hyperaddictive drug Tempo. [*] The last decade has seen a new surge in metahuman transformations, and the emergence of Technomancers: metahuman tensions are high. [*] The Ancients are the dominate gang; the Cutters behind them, and the recovering Halloweeners behind them. [*] Shadowland BBS has been replaced with the Peer 2 Peer Fastjack network. [*] "Something" has been disturbing magical forces across the entire west coast of North America for weeks now. [list] [*] Most magic users would see their magic turn erratic, and weakened. Others still might be disconnected entirely, or talents reduced to parlor tricks. [*] The media talks of magical "overuse", others still that the Earth is taking back what it gave again: but the most connected hear rumors of a super FAB.[/list] [/list] [b]OOC Details[/b] [list] [*] Currently I'm the only GM for the game. [*] I won't, myself, be writing a PC. Plans could change, but that's the plan for now. [*] This isn't a first come, first served approach to character approval. [*] Thinking four to five players right now. Even after we hit capacity, feel free to put in a CS for "reserve." [*] Advanced standards; common sense approach. [*] Character Sheets will be posted on the OOC for approval/disapproval. Not all decisions will be made public. [/list] The plot itself will focus on the group being assembled, and going on the job, although there will likely be "set up" tasks before the main push. The story has been put in place, but I'm leaving the plot a little open ended to give you players a chance to have some control on how it all plays out. The job in question is a corporate acquisition job, though obviously the details will be left for the IC. Oh, and it might be more than it appears on the surface. Go figure, right? Hopefully the team does a little research. [@HeySeuss] will be playing the lead Shadowrunner for our little band of misfits, so it might be wise to consider how your character might have some connection to his. Though this isn't a requirement. Likewise, the Mr. Johnson will provide a "start up" fund for weapon/vehicle procurement, so avoid listing anything larger than a pistol for weapons in Character Sheet. [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Metatype:[/b] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Class:[/b] [b]Appearance: [/b](If description) [b]Cyberware:[/b] [b]Magical/Physad abilities:[/b] [b]Equipment:[/b] [i](No weapons larger than a pistol)[/i] [b]Biography:[/b] [b]Misc Notes:[/b] [i](If any)[/i] [/hider]