[center][youtube]http://youtu.be/OhbJdEdVjHw[/youtube][/center] The air hung heavy with wafts of smoke from those puffing away on smoldering pipes in the large tavern in the city by the sea. The smell of salt mixed with that of mead, and ale and the road. Boisterous patrons rambled on about this and that and the clinking sound of plate and pint rung into the air. A single strum of a lute echoed over the chaos and and slowly the tavern quieted down. It was rare to hear such silence in the place but over the last days word had spread of the voice that sung each night. It drew the patrons in and let the ale and coin flow freely. Hearing the note they knew it was time. Over in a small corner there was a single small bench where two people sat. The first was a handsome clean shaven dark haired man with obsidian eyes dressed in similarly dark garb. He sat there with a weathered lute an a cheshire grin playing on his features. The other no one could tell, for they had a cloak covering their form and the mantle drawn to hide their visage. Tilting his head to the side he seemed to whisper something against the others ear, the other nodding and he began. The notes came slowly in a melancholy fashion, his voice was deep and rich as it began to fall into the air as he sung. "Final sign of veracity in the open palm of your enemy. Going down, down, down is a sign of my own demise. Indoctrination leads to lethal dedication to a torment of hopeless cries," he sung alone as he strummed away, his fingers working elegantly over the strings. "There's no reason to believe that I will be on my way. See your future in decay but you won't hear me when I say; so come on," the other figure began to sing as the man let his lips fall silent. A velvety feminine voice rung out over the crowd. "Hear me, see me what I tried to find was emancipation of the human mind. Hear me, see me, put your life on the line. A confirmation of your strife if you leave everything behind," they sung together as the notes went silent from the lute, their voices melding in harmony. "Like a drop of blood in the open sea revelation hides a tenacity," he sung alone as he began to play once again before their voices melded once again. "Going down, down down is a sign of our own demise. Indoctrination leads to lethal dedication. No world order to analyze," the sung together. "There's no reason to believe that I would be on my way. See your future in decay but you won't hear me when I say: so come on," the woman sung alone as she gently pulled the hood of her mantle back revealing soft golden hair and pale olive sun kissed skin. "Hear me, see me, what I tried to find was emancipation of a human mind. Hear me, see me, put your line. A confirmation on your strife," the woman sang along as the speed of the lutes strumming increased. "Feel me, hear me, while I try to say liberation was my only way. Here's my reason I tried to decide if restoration of my pride will leave everything behind," the woman sang as her voice rose in fervor, the lute falling slowly silent as she stood. "Here me, see me what I tried to find was emancipation of a human mind. Hear me, see me, put your life on the line; a confirmation of your strife. You leave everything behind," they chorused together before falling silent. The room held silent for a moment before cheering and asking for more. The woman shook her head and gathered her items, slinging her bow across her back and pushing out of the tavern into the dark night. The man that had sung with her sat there watching her before turning and gathering his own items. As he stepped outside she was gone and nothing remained but a dense fog rolling out. His dark eyes went frantic as he searched. Yelling her name. "Sana!" ---- The fog slowly faded from around Sana and she growled under her breath through gritted teeth as she looked around. "Not again!" she yelled as she drew her bow and nocked an arrow into place from her quiver. Shaking her head she glanced about before making her way towards the only sign of life left within sight. "I am getting sick of fogs whisking me around all of creation!"