[quote=@Corsair] [@knighthawk], I have a couple problems with your character - like he was sold as a slave to the church of a Chaotic Good deity, which is a contradiction of terms, Chaotic Good being the alignment most inimically opposed to the act of slavery. Also, a -Drow- Priestess of a Maztican Deity? The way he's treated by them it seems like you were thinking a Priestess of Lolth. More importantly, though, your character, being a Tiefling with rather pronounced features - he frankly looks like Mephistopheles - is going to derail every encounter with the native denizens of Ravenloft into a mob with torches and pitchforks. I also...that name. I'm sorry, I know that's petty, but -Snoh Bhaal-? I mean, just for starters - Bhaal is the God of Murder in the Forgotten Realms. For another, it's kind of a tortured pun, in a setting that is trying to go for horror, kind of a mood killer.[/quote] All excellent points. Yes the contradictions do seem uncomplimentary, they are actually meant to soften him from a LE/CE murderous bastard to a LN. The drow priestess uses her reputation of her race to move through evil areas with a preceding awareness and misinformation. "I am a drow priestess...Move." But doesn't bother to say of [i]who[/i]. She could purchase him to 'free' him in all but name so as to not rock the boat. I can easily change drow to anything else if you like. I can choose an image with softer tiefling features if you like or else rearrange magic items for a hat of disguise. Yes, snoh bhaal is a pun, but yes also some tieflings are influenced by the efforts of dark gods such as Bhaal. But all easily adjustable.