Having Ditched the General's Car at the Colorado Bus station, Alexander had taken the Dash apart, removing the GPS device, he rigged it up to run on a battery. then he'd attached it to a departing bus.. or Five departing buses.. he'd created five identical signals, all going in different directions. with a smile on his face, and some quick fingers on his tablet, he had a bus ticket printed out, straight from the bus database.. "here you go" holding the ticket to the driver, who checked it. "alright, get on" handing it back and Alexander climbed up, and sat down in a seat. "Las Vegas.. should be fun!" he said to himself. Turns out, Las Vegas was fun, to much fun.. the City of Lights was not a place for someone like him, not at all.. damn near everything was ran Electronically, and it called to him, the whole city sang to him in a way that only he could hear. yes, he'd learned at the base to ignore the "song" of the devices, but in a city like Vegas, it was impossible and he became lost. with his shoulder bag with him, he'd first entered an casino, a fake id was no problem for him, though he was using his printer to much, it didn't have limitless supplies. with the ID he'd first found the slots, the lovely slots. their song was the sweetest and he was instantly hooked. taking a whole isle, he stood and stared, letting his power work directly, with no tricky device or gadget. time slowed down as his brain kicked into overdrive as the machine's lovely digital song spoke to him, and he to it. in his eyes, a holographic representation formed and he began disassembling it, learning each and every piece and what it did, why it did what it did, how it was programmed. his eyes were moving fast to anyone that looked. and in a matter of seconds, though to him it had been minutes he knew how the slot machines worked... a little to well, as he blinked, and every slot machine in a twenty foot radius engaged, the dials spinning, shocked those that were sitting in front of a slot machine, as the lever wasn't pulled, but when the lucky sevens hit on every single one, and quarters began falling, all hell broke loose.. needless to say, he left that casino, but know he knew all he needed to about slot machines, and his mind was already working out a way to improve it in every aspect. that wasn't all the trouble to hit Vegas, following him a wake of trouble followed.. Atm's spitting out money, big slot machines with cars for prizes, going off, along with the police reports of an individual. a young male, being seen dismantling things in various locations all over the strip or being involved in drunken altercations. after a week of that straight, he boarded another bus, looking tired, he crashed, clutching his bag as he was driven to LA. Getting off the bus, he groaned as he stretched. opening his pack, he rummaged around til he found the rolls of hundreds, fifties and twenties he had in the bottom.. he learned in Vegas money was a necessity, on the base he got whatever he wanted, in the real world it didn't work like that. taking out the roll of twenties, he looked around for a place to eat at, he was hungry and thirsty.. not knowing that his escapade in Vegas had made more then local news.