Hey, friend of [@Love Me Dead], figured I jump in this With Him. [hider=Micah "Ved" Stubbe] [center] [b]Name[/b] Micah "Ved" Stubbe [b]Age[/b] 22 [b]Occupation[/b] Was studying business management, has a degree in Auto-Mechanics [b]Nationality[/b] Caucasian [b]Appearance[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d8/9a/c9/d89ac95596ff5816ff42a209f0236f75.jpg[/img] Standing at 5'11, he is slightly taller than average, but not enough to be too noticeable. A Lean, semi-muscular body formed naturally by years of working on cars. [b]Place of Residence[/b] Newcastle Delaware, about 20 minutes south of Wilmington. [b]Strengths[/b] Explosives Creation/Use Hand-Hand Combat Auto-Mechanic Repairs/Maintenance [b]Weaknesses[/b] Can Not Aim Due to a leg injury, he is unable to run faster than a slow jog. [b]Belongings[/b] Several homemade Pipe/Propane Bombs Finger-less SAP Gloves Nailed Baseball Bat A small hardcover copy of the Necronomicon [b]Personality[/b] INTP "The INTP is very interested in learning how the world works and wants the world to make sense. The INTP wants everything to fit into a logical framework. Their way of understanding the world is primarily internal. They form an almost internal web of logic that helps them see the world completely. Those that are close to the INTP would describe them as very smart and somewhat reserved." [b]Other[/b] A cultist, Worships Lu-Kthu [/center][/hider]