[color=blue][b]Names:[/b][/color] Soren and Nikolai Joringale [color=magenta][b]Age:[/b][/color] They appear as 19-year-old human boys, maybe a bit younger, but are actually 234 and a half. [color=blue][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=magenta][b]Species:[/b][/color] Fae twins. A lesser form of Tricksters. [hider=Appearance:][center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/h3HF9vz.jpg?1[/img][/center] Though they can change their appearance using their powers, they prefer to remain their normal selves when not up to their usual tricks. Though it’s nearly impossible to tell them apart by their faces alone and they tend to dress the same, often in casual business attire, the two are usually easily identified by the different highlights in their otherwise jet black hair. While Soren has purplish highlights, Nikolai, who is the younger of the two, has blue. They both have heterochromatic eyes, one teal and the other magenta in mirror images of each other. Note: just minus the eye patch in the picture.[/hider] [color=blue][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Though nearly polar opposites, the two even each other out, creating a balance between them. Should they be separated for too long, their personalities spiral out of control, turning them both outwardly and inwardly destructive. [u]The Not-So-Polar-Opposite:[/u] Together, they are playful and, like most tricksters, have a love for toying with mortals and immortals alike and seeing justice served to the pompous and arrogant. They enjoy teasing and playing off each other, and act somewhere between brothers and best friends. [u]Soren:[/u] He is adventurous on the verge of reckless, overly enthusiastic, impulsive, and likes to talk. A LOT. His emotions can change on a dime, making him borderline bipolar. In a way, Soren has taken a leader position, always spying out their next target and finding their newest adventure. He is protective of his brother, but refuses to say it aloud. Since the presence of his brother keeps him from crossing the line and brings about a sense of level-headedness, when separated from Nikolai for too long, he becomes outright malicious, and his mental state becomes unstable and unpredictable, making him a danger to both himself and anyone who gets too close. [u]Nikolai:[/u] He is extremely wary, but always seems calm, even though his mind works constantly, playing out scenarios of every possible outcome in his and his twin’s current situation, and is always planning ahead in case their plans go awry. Nikolai is the quiet one, speaking aloud only when necessary and frequently utilizing the mental connection between him and Soren. Since Soren’s presence brings courage and enjoyment that keeps fear at bay, if Nikolai is separated from his twin for too long, anxiety and panic become his masters, making him dangerously irrational as he tries to escape his surroundings and own mind as it continues to play out the worst possibilities, driving him to a howling insanity that is downright terrifying. [color=magenta][b]Fears:[/b][/color] [u]Soren:[/u] Though not a full-blown fear, he loathes dogs, and actively avoids them. His shared fear with Nikolai is also more severe than his twin’s. [u]Nikolai:[/u] Being caged, especially without Soren within sight, and has a more conscious fear of iron. [u]Shared:[/u] Being separated from one another for that dangerous amount of time. The mere thought of entering their crazed states sends a chill down their spines. [color=blue][b]Ability:[/b][/color] [u]Physical Law Immunity/Manipulation:[/u] Basically, the laws of physics and science don’t apply to them. They can pretty much create their own reality, bending it in ways most deem illogical. This ability allows them to accomplish many otherwise impossible feats, such as turning one thing into something else entirely or completely change the universal laws. For example, making a cat bark, fire freeze, turn bricks into rubber, shoes into springs… all with little more than a thought. [b]Limitations and Exceptions:[/b] While simple and quick small stuff doesn’t bother them too much, the longer they maintain their manipulation or the more absurd the impossibility, the shorter time they can hold it without depleting their abilities and energy and needing rest… or food. They are stronger when together, and weaker apart until their madness sets in. They are also only capable of manipulating things within their line of sight, can’t create things out of thin air or complete alternate realities, and cannot manipulate the physiology of anyone besides themselves and a select few weak-minded and –willed humans. They are also incapable of changing the reality of iron. Lastly, much to their chagrin, their abilities seem to drain them faster within the Collector’s dastardly brilliant mansion, and the structure itself imposes its own limitations of what they can do to it. [u]Fae Abilities:[/u] Because they [i]are[/i] still of the faerie people, they have a couple of the usual abilities of the common Fae. This includes the simple detection of the presence of magic to an extent, the ability to see through the glamours of lesser faeries, and sensing their own ilk. However, they also have the usual weaknesses: They can be contained and/or easily killed by devices made of iron, and its close proximity saps both their powers and strength. Iron, in a greater concentration, can also burn them, but these two can force any scars it would normally leave to heal. As well, if they strike a deal with someone, they absolutely [i]must[/i] hold to their end of the bargain, no matter what. [u]Twin Psychic Connection:[/u] Soren and Nikolai can communicate with each other telepathically. They also have a sense about each other, and know when the other is hurt or distressed. Though their telepathy powers weaken with distance, they can still sense the other’s well-being. [color=magenta][b]Short History:[/b][/color] When they were first born, they were quite the spectacle; after all, twins are a rarity in the faerie realm. Growing up, the two were inseparable, and often caused havoc through both their and the human realm. Through the years, they made a reputation for themselves among the Fae and supernatural world as they struck out at society’s most renowned members, dropping them, if you will, down the rabbit hole and back again. It wasn’t until 1807 that they discovered what happened when separated for more than a couple hours at a time. Long story short, the two got cocky and were captured and separated. Soren escaped and found Nikolai in a state worse than his. Together again, their mental states mostly returned to normal. Once the shock finally wore off for Nikolai about a week of complete silence later, Nikolai claimed he remembered little of his actions after his own insanity kicked in, only how it made him feel. After that, they were ever vigilant and both rarely, if ever, let the other out of their sight. But they refused to let that stop their fun for the next couple hundred years. Only recently did someone manage to capture them once more, rendering them unconscious only to awaken, thankfully together, in a dank room with a stuffed, living bear and man dressed in a white robe who reeked of magic artifacts. [color=blue][b]Other:[/b][/color] Gravity sometimes unintentionally doesn’t apply to them, usually in small, isolated occasions. It just kind of happens every now and again. Or, rather, [i]doesn’t[/i] happen. They have a thing teetering on obsession for sweets… and food in general, but mostly sugary goodies. Bending reality makes a man hungry.