Axreon was shouting louder and louder his voice boomed over the city in a cry before he finally stopped and snuffed slightly. He sat down and felt the earth shake and placed a hand on the ground grumbling "what are you looking for Lucifer?" he mumbled as a snarl camr from the ground from the angry hearted archangel thast blasted through hell and speed toward hell's gate with blind fury roaring as he slammed the Gates of hell open as demons released onto the world to get into the bodies of mortal man. The priest raised an eyebrow and sighed as mumbled "Praise God, praise Angels, Betrothed Archangel calm yourself, humans are not ones to harm" he kept muttering to himself as he sat his eyes closed and then his eyes snapped open hearing the footsteps of a female coming toward him. His eyes gazed at a female with a deep wise look. "and you must be here to laugh st my words miss hmmm?" he asked scoffting.