[center][u]Name:[/u] Ashton "Ash" Apollo [u]Gender:[/u]Male [u]Age:[/u]27 [u]Height:[/u]6'1 [u]Weight:[/u]250 [u]Nationality:[/u] American [u]Class:[/u] 2A [u]Occupation:[/u] Teacher [u]Weapons:[/u] Bare hands [u]Current Location:[/u] Roof Appearance: [img]http://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/nicolas_brown_45466.jpg[/img] [u]Personality:[/u] Ash considered himself a hard teacher and would usually be very blunt and very harsh with his students, but only to make sure that they gotten the subjects that he taught them, he was one of the teachers that would keep a student after class and yell at them to get the problems right while doing his best to teach who ever isn't getting it. He can sometimes be very heavy handed in his approach on teaching students and would protect his students to the best of his abilities, he may come off as a harsh thug but he means well in the end, Ash is smarter than he looks and thinks more about the future than he thinks about the past. Under his harsh and almost brute like exterior Ash is a kind and almost a selfless person, almost, he will look out for his students, but he won't get himself killed to save someone that he knows he can't save. [u]Background:[/u] If you were to tell Ash when he was 16 that he'd be a teacher he'd tell you your an idiot. Ash was one of the guys in highschool that thought he wouldn't be doing much as soon as school was over for him, he figured that he'd get a cool job that he'd love to do, but his parents forced him to got to college and get a teaching degree so he could be a teacher and not get in trouble on the streets to become a thug and or a bum, or go nowhere with his life. His years at college went by very slowly for him and when he was finished his years, he moved away from his parents and out of the state so he wouldn't be around them and so he could make his own choices, the place he went to was Japan, he went to work for a school in Japan to teach some of the Japanese students English and hoped to teach another subject over time if the school would have him, when [i][b]They[/b][/i] attacked Ash was tracking down one of his failing students and deafen them with yelling and tell them to get their grades together. [/center]