[center][color=violet][h2]Jax - Mahora[/h2][/color][/center] Jax looked up and jumped out of the way just to see that a huge arm had landed in front of him. The ground split and a rock hit one of the sawblades out of Jax's arm, blood bursted out of the wound and Jax gripped his arm. [i]Crap, this is a pretty big wound. I'm no medicinal man but at least I can...[/i] The Grandmaster looked up at the robot, [i]Alright Heimer, when did you get this big of a budget!?[/i] That thing was huge! It looked like some sort of machine straight out of Piltover which is why he had thought of Heimerdinger earlier, however as big as it was it was probably not dumb. He had mentioned teamwork. Jax thought back to the Summoner's Code that nearly every Summoner had followed for at least five hundred years now, don't flame your team, don't grief your team, you are a team. Those were the basics that only skimmed across the massive paragraphs inscribed in that giant book. Jax then noticed his still bleeding arm, it was a pretty deep wound and the blood would not stop gushing. The Grandmaster, clearly annoyed ripped off some of his hair and quickly tied it around the wound. He then took his lampost and put it right next to his arm, Jax tightened his resolve as the lamppost began to glow. Sensing the robot's impatience he looked up at it and said, [color=violet]"Excuse me, just a minute."[/color] Crimson flames began to pour out of the iron cage at the top of the post, the wound began to heat up and after 3 minutes the bleeding seemed to stall to a halt as the hair began to crust away and the wound began to cauterize. This was only a temporary solution however, the real wound beneath would take time to heal and his arm would probably sting for about the next twelve hours. He had felt this pain once before on the Shadow Isles, that damn spider had tore into his entire arm and even into the bone before Jax had slammed her away and ran for cover. Whoever this psycho was, he wasn't screwing around. Jax, cancelling his memories looked back up at the robot. He then said, [color=violet]"Teammates? Sure, but we were havin a duel. Nothing serious. In fact I'm not even sure if this psycho knows about teamwork, but besides the point- who are you? And where is this?"[/color] With that the Grandmaster turned around for a split second to observe Mahora, it was a beatiful place seeming to be filled with people of big and small. Returning to his original posistion Jax continued, [color=violet]"Odd really, you don't usually see giant robots giving advice. Thanks for kind of saving me anyway."[/color] Jax then eyed Krieg, who was cleary upset at something. The brazen bozo had wounded him, but that didn't mean much to Jax; and besides, he probably didn't know better anyway. (And on that note the first day ended.) [@Sir Screwloose] [@Invisible Man]