Over the past few months, I started having a few problems with my fingers. My hand would start to hurt and I would lose control of my right hand randomly. Then I began to have muscles spasms. Last week, I learned I had a viral infection of sorts resulting in neuromuscular disease. My fingers are always concerningly numb or in lots and lots of pain now. The doctors say in a few months I may not be able to use my arm again. As a result, I've lost my job (couldn't type fast enough), my wife (don't even want to talk about it, didn't have a job, didn't have money... yeah...now I know why she was married to me), and in a few months, my house. so yeah, it has been a hell of a week. I've still got some money to work around with, and the parents and insurance have actually been helpful. I'll be living in a nice cozy apartment, and won't have to worry to much about medical bills. But I'm kind of worried about my future. In addition, I've hadn to type this whole thing with my nondominant hand and it takes for ever. The doctors are even hinting I won't be able to use it (r hand) again. For now, [@Eklispe], could you act as the GM and keep this going? I'm glad that you havve been trying to nudge people on while I was away. Don't feel sorry for me, I've been in tougher spots and things could be worse. Not to toot my own horn, but having multiple friends and family that support me has saved me from bankruptcy. I'm not sure about the future, but I see a great future in this RP. I really want to see it followed through on. sorry for the typos hope you understand. Best of wishes :D spookysquid